Monday, October 8, 2012

RePurpose Store - HGTV's Cash and Cari

My daughter Megan and I were in Northville, Michigan on Friday and I thought you all would enjoy seeing a photo or two of the RePurpose store, owned by Cari Cucksey of HGTV's Cash and Cari. She is known locally as an expert in estate sales and repurposing found items - just like so many of you, but she happens to have her own television show!

Unfortunately, the store was not open and I was unable to take photos of any repurposed pieces, besides those you might be able to catch a glimpse of in the windows. There was a note on the door saying they are in the process of moving the store to their warehouse space and would only be open limited hours. I did find a couple of her current items pictured in the web store. I thought this bathtub chair was really unique, but can't imagine where you would put it - maybe on a patio?

Repurposed bathtub chair
Repurposed Bed/Bench with Cushion
After taking the photos, we went to a great spot for lunch, on what turned out to be a blustery and chilly fall day. I hope you all had a really nice weekend and spent some quality time with family. I am looking forward to a productive week of fall and Halloween decorating, as well as dodging the raindrops in the forecast, to do some final clean up in my flower gardens. Happy Monday :-)


  1. Oh, it looks like a place I'd like to browse around in! The bathtub chair is a pretty fun piece.

    *I've got a daughter Megan too. :@

  2. Love her show and her EState sales she does...too bad it wasn't open!

  3. I didn't know she had a store in MI....would love to see it. too bad it wasn't open. Some people are just so great at seeing outside of the box, I love it.

  4. Awesome blue chair!! Nice to meet ya chicky! Stop by my blog when you get a second and lets be friends? Maybe we could follow each other??

  5. I haven't seen that show, but will look it up! I would love to see that store too. Hope you get a chance to go back sometime. Ann

  6. What a fun store! I like the bath tub chair!

  7. too bad it was closed, that would have been mighty fun to walk thru. Happy Football season!!

  8. We traveled from Arizona to see the store last summer. A store clerk in another store very close to RePurpose said that in the 3 months she has worked at her store she had never seen RePurpose open. She had only experienced frustrated customers not knowing the "limited" hours schedule. We were dying to go inside....

  9. I would have enjoyed getting a peek inside that store.
    I could see the tub chair in a mid century modern sort of room.
    It sounds like you had a nice time, even if the store was closed.

  10. Interesting and inventive!

    Great to have you at "Oh, the PLACES I've been!"

    - The Tablescaper

  11. I've never seen the show but the store looks like fun! I'll have to check out the show!

  12. Too bad the shop wasn't open. If the bathtub chair is any indication, there must be some fun stuff to see there.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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