Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pinterest Dreaming - Master Bath Inspiration

Fall always puts me in the mood to remodel or update my home. The holidays are approaching, company is on the horizon and you want your house to look its best. I have a list of small things I want to accomplish like replacing lampshades, a new rug for the foyer and possibly recovering my dining room chairs. All of these are in the budget. What is not, since college tuition payments are our reality, is a remodel of my dated, master bath. For me, it is the all or nothing approach. I could do some smaller projects, but what I really want, is to completely start over, from the floor to the ceiling. These inspiration photos, from Pinterest, are exactly the cottage, beachy feel I would love. I picture soft blues and greens; calm, soothing and relaxing. For now, the photos will inspire me - a girl can dream right?

I love bead board paneling, with a ledge for pretty things. While I like classic white, this soft green is beautiful.
This cabinet is so practical, yet a pretty place to store towels. I love the glass doors.
I picture glass vases and jars in shades of soft greens and blues, sparkling in the morning sun.
Touches of natural elements in off white, would add texture and interest.
Interesting, beachy finds would bring a relaxed, cottage feel.
Back to reality on this sunny fall day - hope it is a great one for you too :-)
Linking with The Vintage Apple


  1. Dreaming can be almost as fulfilling as doing; and without all the mess!

  2. Oh...those are some pretty pins!! I better follow you on Pinterest!

  3. He descubierto tu blog y me ha encantado su contenido, desde hoy soy seguidora. Si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog By Nela, y si es de tu agrado me gustaria tenerte como seguidora y asi seguir en contacto.

    Un saludo muy cariƱoso.


  4. I love the look of those bathrooms! Beautiful!

    Found you from the link up :)



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