Monday, October 15, 2012

MSU Homecoming Parade

Friday night was a beautiful, but chilly fall evening. It was the perfect kind of night to be on the MSU campus and attend the Homecoming parade. We dressed warm, took our chairs, blankets and hot coffee, found a great spot along Grand River avenue and waited for the parade to start.

Of course, the highlight of the parade for us, was the MSU Pompon team and Melissa. My husband was asked by the coach to help carry the banner for the team along with another dad. He was happy to do it and is so proud of his daughter.

These are good dads, happy to support their daughters!

After the parade we were able to take Melissa to dinner and spend some time with her and some of the other pom parents and girls. One of our favorite things is attending homecoming events as alumni, but it is an added bonus now, because we get to spend time with our daughter and see her smiling pretty in that awesome green and white uniform.

Happy Monday :-)


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage


  1. Awesome pictures....and what a fun time. Like Theresa said sweet dad and proud parents lucky girl! Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. Looks like you all had a great time. It's so nice that you are close enough to share in all the awesome experiences she's having at school! You can surely tell how proud you both are of her! :)

  3. Looks like the perfect fall day! I love homecoming festivities! Great photos.

  4. Sounds like a delightful time!

  5. I still love homecoming after all these years. It has a special place in my heart!!
    Smiles, Dottie

  6. Your daughter is beautiful ~ and what fun for Dad to carry the banner. It sounds like it was a wonderful evening, and I can see why it's a favorite thing.

  7. I can imagine you having dinner with all these people. What a fun event! Have a nice weekend. Regula

  8. Hi there! I'm a Michigander! Your daughter is beautiful. Homecoming and fall go together well! Even though I work at UM I still say go MSU!!!

  9. How fun! And how wonderful those cute cheerleaders are allowed to wear pants!

  10. I've spent a fair amount of time in East Lansing over the years, as my brother went to school there. It's such a beautiful campus. Homecoming looks like such fun! Love the photo of your daughter and your husband.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!

  11. What a great time you must have had. A very lovely daughter and proud papa.
    Brings back memories of my Pompon girl...she's a doctor now.
    Have a great weekend.


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