Friday, October 12, 2012

Crockpot Cranberry Applesauce

One of my favorite things in the fall, is the scent of apples and cinnamon; whether it is from a seasonal candle or something with those two ingredients, baking in the oven. Apples from the orchard, taste so much better than those purchased year round at the grocery store and are so delicious to bake or cook with.

Since I am a Diabetic, most apple desserts are not something I should eat. A great alternative for me, is homemade applesauce. My house smelled amazing while this was cooking in the crock pot and the addition of the cranberries gave it a wonderful, tart flavor. And, the best thing, is that there is no added sugar - just the natural sweetness of the fruit.

This recipe is a combination of several that I found. I added the cranberries, because I like the contrast of the two fruits. The ingredients are simple and natural and you will love the homemade texture. Your house will be filled with the scents of fall - apples, cinnamon and cranberries. Fall comfort food; simple and delicious.

Crockpot Cranberry Applesauce Recipe

4 apples, peeled, cored and chopped (any variety)

1 cup fresh cranberries

1/4 cup apple cider or water

Juice from 1 lemon

2 Tsp cinnamon

Put all ingredients in a crock pot. Cook on low for 6 hours.

Note: With no added sugar, this will be tart. Add sugar to your taste, if you prefer a sweeter applesauce.

Have a wonderful weekend :-)


Linking this post with these friends this week

Gooseberry Patch



This Gal Cooks

Back For Seconds

Must Try Mondays

Funky Junk Interiors

I Heart Naptime

a bowl full of lemons

Mom's Test Kitchen

Tatertots and Jello

Serenity Now

Kelly's Korner

Mockingbird Hill Cottage

Tutus and Tea Parties

Centsational Girl

Live Laugh Rowe

And more recipe link ups I find.


  1. YUM! That sounds delicious. I just made apple butter and now you've inspired me to whip out my crockpot once again.

  2. This sounds incredibly tasty! I will definitely have to try this sometime. Thanhk you for sharing the recipe :) Enjoy your weekend.


  3. Sounds lovely Vicki.

    Am busy trying to catch up so will have a read now of the other posts I have missed.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    x Fiona

  4. Sounds yummy -- even if just for the aroma in the house111

  5. Oh I can smell it thru the screen, is that possible? Sure it is:) Thanks for the recipe! Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

  6. This sounds great, Vicki! I was searching for cranberries this week in the store and they had none...I'm sure they will shortly though. Have a great wknd!

  7. This sounds wonderful and so fallish!! I love homemade applesauce. It is so much better than store bought. I'm sure the cranberries will add a special touch. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Mmmmm! My mouth is watering just thinking about that wonderful aroma of applesauce and cranberries!

  9. Looks so tasty. I prefer the tart and love cranberries in and on anything.

  10. I can just imagine the incredible fragrance from your applesauce with the addition of cranberries. Such a pretty color, too.
    Saturday Smiles,

  11. Vicki, I'm going to try this recipe! I love applesauce but the addition of the cranberries sounds inspired. Thanks so much for joining in this week. I don't know whether I've asked you this before, but where in MIchigan do you live? I was born and raised in Michigan - in Dearborn - and spent a lot of time in northern Michigan, as well.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  12. Vicki, that sounds delicious. I love that first photo, too. I always can my McIntosh apple sauce (from our tree) without sugar or cinnamon. I figure people can add it later if they want. I like the addition of cranberries here! I just bought a pound or so of cranberries to string and hang above our cookstove in the kitchen. They will dry quickly, I suspect, and add a festive touch. Thanks for this recipe. :-)

  13. My neighbor makes homemade applesauce-- it IS really good!

  14. I love this idea. I looked for cranberries in the store just this week and they aren't in yet. I will have to try this one.

  15. Sounds delicious, and so easy! I'll have to try it.

  16. What a great idea and sounds delish! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Sounds delicious and so glad you found some way to use those apples that you can enjoy in spite of the diabetes. I have neighbors who make tons of applesauce every year with apples his parents buy in the mountains at auction - in fact I'm going to their house in just a bit to watch them. Love this time of year with all the beauty and the fun goings-on. Thanks for sharing with us!

  18. Mmmm, making my mouth water! Found you on Sunday Best :)

  19. Oh yum, I am going to have to keep this recipe!!

  20. This looks so yummy! I am going to have to try this! I am a new follower!


  21. Hi Vicki! Oh, this looks and sounds so good! Right now is such a great time for tasty apples! Thank you so much for popping in to see me and you are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Lovely photos, I'm sure your house smells delicious.

  23. This sounds perfect for my husband who is also a diabetic. I would love to find fresh apples- but they are a rarity around here.

  24. Sounds yummy even though I'm not diabetic. Most of us eat way too much sugar.

  25. I think cranberries liven up just about any recipe -- such a pretty color.

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best.

  26. One of my sons loves cranberries..I will have to try this seasoned applesauce; it sounds wonderful!

  27. It sounds really good.

  28. This looks great! I love my slow cooker & finding great recipes like this one. Oh, and GO TIGERS!

    Your newest follower :)

  29. This sounds fabulous! THanks for sharing at Must Try Monday!

  30. This looks delish! I have never made homemade applesauce but I really want to try this one!!


  31. This sounds amazing! Definitely on my to try list. Thanks for linking up to Show & Share Wednesday, I will be sharing this on my Facebook page shortly. :)

  32. This sounds good! I've been trying to think of something to do with some leftover cranberries:@)

  33. Cranberries, apples and cinnamon in a crockpot to smell while it cooks--sounds perfect to me!

  34. I bought a big bag of apples today to make apple sauce. I love it! Yours looks delicious!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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