Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Book Club and Remembering Weddings

My book club met last week and as usual, the more interesting discussion was not directly about the book. We were discussing The Magic Room, a book about wedding gown shopping and Its relationship to mothers and daughters. We did discuss the book itself and talked through the discussion questions, but the best part of the night, was when we all told our own stories of our wedding gowns.

It was so special to hear all my friends describe what their gown looked like and the story of shopping with their mother or girlfriends. We even had some laughs over our eighties fashion. Does anyone remember the Olivia Newton John headbands, the Princess Diana bows and the big hair? I look at this picture of me in my wedding gown ( 1982 ) and see someone so young, but so happy. And, I still like my dress, even though styles have changed so much.

We took a picture to remember the night since our hostess gave us all necklaces, from her recent trip to China. These ladies are special and hearing all their stories is a gift I won't forget. Our book club may be about the books we read, but our favorite thing is the memories it creates.

Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage


  1. What a nice post! How fun to get together with friends and discuss fond memories. :-)

  2. Your gown and hair definitely reflect the 1980s time period. You were a gorgeous bride!

  3. What a fun night! I cringe when I look at my 1988 wedding photos compared to todays styles! I too look so young and happy....the 80's were the best!

  4. Your wedding dress is very lovely - it's a beautiful picture :) Thanks for sharing this fun and sweet post.


  5. I loved my wedding dress too and I love yours! Great pic of you and your friends, memories are precious! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. You had a really pretty dress and you look SO happy! Would you believe the dog ate my wedding album?! Oh, well, I still remember the day so well! Your book club sounds like so much fun, I know you must look forward to it! :)


  7. What a fun night and I love your picture! Yes, very 80s (I was married in 1981). Happiness never goes out of style. Ann

  8. Vicki dear, your wedding gown is classic and will never go out of style. Some young women today, I know, wear strapless gowns..etc..but yours is a true wedding gown and will alway reflect young women of quality and grace. Just my opinion. :)
    Thank you so much for becoming a follower..though my blog is certainly not one of the better ones out there. I try. :)
    Thank you so much.

  9. I was married in 1993 and we had the big hair and even bigger bows! lol Sounds like it was a lot of fun to go down memory lane with your friends. I'll have to do this one night with my girls. They'd probably have a good laugh at me:)

  10. How fun to talk about wedding gowns. Styles really have changed over the decades-- interesting to see the old ones! I once read you can date the bride/groom cake topper figures by the style of the bride's dress. How true!

  11. What a sweet gathering...And, what a beautiful bride!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  12. I'm with you! I love my sweet bookclub girls! I so look forward to seeing them every month. It is such a great friendship. :)


  13. I would love to be the member of a bookclub like you. And yes, your wedding gown is beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend. Regula

  14. that sounds like a wonderful bookclub. this was a fun post to read and you look quite beautiful as a bride

  15. How lucky you are to be a member of a bookclub with such lovely friends! Love your bridal photo, too. Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  16. Hi...I really enjoyed visiting today. I have found, late in life, how wonderful book clubs can be. Your wedding gown picture is precious.

    It seems our favorite things are so varied, that it makes for a wonderful weekend visiting many of these posts.

  17. BFF's who enjoy and create memories are a treasure. How lucky you are! Have a fun weekend.

    Susan and Bentley

  18. I just smiled when I saw your wedding picture. I used the same colors in my wedding and the bridesmaids dresses are very similar to the style my bridesmaids wore! On top of that, your neckline of your dress is like the one I wore! I was married in 1983. Small world! Enjoyed visiting today!


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