Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So many of you in blog land have wonderful collections that you share from time to time. I enjoy seeing your collections of pottery, vintage items and other displays. Also, linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage for Favorite Things, and seeing the stories behind the lovely items, it occurred to me that I too have a collection. In my yard, and scattered throughout my house are various, unique birdhouses. Many have a story. The little stone church birdhouse in this photo is one of my favorites.

What makes this birdhouse special to me, is that it was a gift from my wonderful neighbors when they moved, so many years ago. But still, in 2012, I remember the lovely times we spent in our neighborhood.

Another church birdhouse; this one made from wood, hangs in my garden to remind me of our Cocker Spaniel, Casey. Her ashes rest beneath a stepping stone nearby.

Finally, this battered, painted birdhouse with a rusty chain has seen better days. It was a gift from the artist who we purchased our house from, almost 20 years ago. She hand painted it for us and left it with a nice welcome note. The birds have used it well over the years and it still means a lot to me.

All these birdhouses are special to me because of their stories and the memories they bring :-)


Linking this post with these friends ~

A Southern Daydreamer

Raindrops and Daisies

Mockingbird Hill Cottage

A Rural Journal


  1. Beautiful collection....I do enjoy seeing what other collect and why...thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Oh beautiful, lovely collection with memories too

  3. I love your birdhouse collection, I have some favorites also! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. I love your birdhouses! I just filled my feeder and the birds are here like crazy and it is not even that cold.

  5. Love these and love the meanings they have with you. Ive always wanted to make a bird house of my own. Maybe next spring when it will be out of season for my crochet progects. LOL.

  6. Love the story behind the last one:) Hope you are having a good week!

  7. Delightful birdhouses ~ very unique and lovely photos ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I love the stories behind your birdhouses, especially the one that your neighbors gave you when they moved. The best thing about "things" are the stories behind them, if they don't have one, then they are just things. Ann

  9. Memories such "sweet" memories.
    Joyce M

  10. What a great collection. Each birdhouse has such a special memory.

  11. That is a great collection. I have a tiny terracotta one.

  12. I love that you have a birdhouse collection. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I love your birdhouses. I have a small collection of them.

  14. I love the fact that each birdhouse holds a special memory. Lovely post, Vicki.

  15. Uma mais linda que a outra!beijos,chica

  16. Lindas imagens, parabéns. Um abraço!

  17. Todas belíssimas!!! Eu amei cada uma! Beijos meus para você!

  18. Hi Vicki, I think a bird house is a wonderful gift. My daughter's classmates gave one to her when she was just 12 and we were moving to another state, and she has it still. Yours are beautiful. Linda

  19. Eu amo casinhas de passarinhos.
    Essas das imagens são lindas.

  20. Birdhouses are for the humans and the birds, aren't they? :-) I love yours.

  21. I also have many little birdhouses
    scattered around my house and garden.
    One day I may find little birds in
    some.. nice collection.

  22. I love the stories behind your birdhouses. Each one has a special meaning. That touches my heart. Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  23. What pretty houses! Great pictures too!!

  24. I love anything bird - so I love your collection. I have birdhouses inside and outside. They make me happy (:

  25. I love your pretty collection...and bet the birds do, too.:)
    xo bj

  26. You have a neice collection of special birdhouses!!

  27. Thanks for sharing your birdhouse collections with us. So many beautiful memories attached to each one of them. That's what makes your collection so meaningful.

  28. What a nice collection of birdhouses! Stopping by from A Favorite Thing Saturday and am your newest follower.
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  29. I don't know if the squirrels in our neighborhood are on steroids or what, but it doesn't matter what kind of bird house or feeder we try, the squirrels tear them apart. :( Glad to see the squirrels are more civilized where you live and haven't destroyed your lovely collection. ;)

    Popping in for the first time via the #TALU

  30. Very nice birdhouses! I really like the first one. Visiting from TALU :)

  31. I love birdhouses. I actually love the birds that come to our feeders and live in our birdhouses. They add so much beauty to the our lives. What is there not to like about that.

  32. They are all lovely! I am a firm believer that the things we decorate with should hold special meanings for us so I really enjoyed reading this post and seeing the photos. Thanks for joining us on TALU

  33. Love the birdhouses and the sentimental thoughts they brought!



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