Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...gardening, diabetes, reality tv, etc

Things I am thinking about today...

  • One night this week, I made spaghetti squash for dinner. I have always wanted try it, but was unsure how to make it properly or thought it would be difficult. After some research on Google, I decided to prepare it by cutting it in half, scooping out the seeds and pulp and then roasting it in the oven. After about 45 minutes, the squash was soft enough to scoop out the "spaghetti" with a fork. With a little olive oil, parmesan cheese, and chopped tomatoes, it was delicious. The texture is reminiscent of pasta, but for me, it so much healthier, because pasta can spike my blood sugar. Usually, a diabetic should only eat 1 cup of pasta, but I ate twice that amount of the spaghetti squash, with no problem when I measured my blood sugar, later that evening. It is always nice to find something new that I can have, and that also tastes great.
  • I haven't had much to say about reality tv lately, but this week a few things caught my interest. First, on the Real Housewives of New York, I have been perplexed by Aviva and her need to judge and berate the other women. It has always been a mystery to me why some people feel the need to judge others, when the behavior in question has no bearing on their life what so ever. I am sure we all have had contact with people like that. I always feel that kind of attitude stems from that person's unhappiness with their life.
  • Dancing With the Stars started Monday and while I wasn't sure about the All Star season, I feel it may turn out to be a good one. The judges seem to be holding the stars to a higher standard, since they all are experienced dancers at this point. There is some good chemistry between the pairs too. I'm not sure who my favorite is yet, because I like so many of them :-)
  • After posting this photo of my mostly dead, perenial garden, I was struck by the lack of color. I started wondering what I could plant to give the garden some blooms in the fall. I found some ideas in red, yellow and orange tones, which would be lovely in a fall garden. Any other suggestions?
Have a wonderful Thursday :-)


Linking this post with life of love


  1. I've never made spaghetti squash but I thinking I'm definitely going to try. I need all the healthier options. I really like DWTS all-star...Pamela needed to go so seemed annoyed to be there...I do love Tristan I wish he would have been paired with someone better. Have a great day!

  2. Spaghetti squash is a favorite in our house - I can even get the kids to eat it sometimes!

    I was happy to see Pam get the boot this week. Not sure who I want to win yet. You have a fav yet?

  3. I was so happy to read this post, we share so many similar things: diabetes, enjoy watching reality television (I admit, I am addicted) and wondering what to do to add color to a dead garden!! So many times I wish I could read blogs about other topics that aren't "pretty". Don't get me wrong, I follow and love those blogs too! But this post today was so refreshing, and I did not leave with a feeling of being "inadequate" as I usually do. lol xo

  4. So glad Pam Anderson is gone! I'm not a huge fan of the NY Housewives, but watch most of the others. New Joisey is almost to the end - yay. I love spaghetti squash and the way you prepared it is just how I have done it! Your flowers look beautiful. Ann

  5. Hi Vicki, I like spaghetti squash too. That would be a good alternative for people eating gluten free too. How about mums for your area? Another alternative would be to put in annuals early in the season; they will last up until frost.

  6. I love spaghetti squash, but I hate that it takes forever to bake (compared to pasta, anyway)! I mean, it's delicious, but expensive (for someone on a grad student budget) and isn't a quick meal, so I always talk myself out of making it.

    Happy Thursday!

  7. I made spaghetti squash for the first time last week. Even the kiddos like it which is always a plus when trying something new. It is time for autumn blooms. The only color we have left are a few roses that have decided to make a brief comeback.


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