Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...gardening, books, entertaining, etc.

My yard really needed some color to fill in where a lot of the flowers are dying off, so I planted a few mums here and there. It is earlier than I usually plant for the fall and I might need to replace them later on in the season, but it makes me happy to see the colorful, new blooms. I also cut back some of my perennials, so it is really looking bare in many spots. We have a lot of leaves falling already, so I think fall is on its way, a little early, here in Michigan.

This is a sneak peek of my table decorations for the 50th birthday party I am hosting for a friend tonight. I am setting up a table outside on the patio and wanted a fall theme, but subtle colors. I am using greens and golds and this candle I found at Home Goods yesterday was perfect, with the leaves and touches of gold. Tomorrow, I will have a post on the whole celebration, with photos of the table. I have a busy day ahead today, but don't you just love entertaining and getting your home ready for guests?

I just ordered this book from Amazon and really look forward to reading it. Carole Radziwill is the widow of Anthony Radziwill, who is the son of Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's sister. Carole was also close to John Kennedy, Jr. and his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. The memoir tells the story of Carole's struggles with the untimely death of her husband and two of her closest friends, in a short period of time. Carole is currently a cast member on the Real Housewives of New York and her grace and wit on a show not known for these attributes, make me interested in learning more about her life.


Happy Thursday! I will be back tomorrow with party details :-)




linking with life of love



  1. Is Home Goods like a Hobby Lobby? LOVE the bright pink mums!

  2. Home Goods is awesome. We also have Gordman's here. Do you know Gordman's? There is a painting in there that keeps calling my name.

  3. I have to stay away from all craft stores for a while; I can feel a Craft Attack coming which would not do good things for the budget, lol.

    Love the mums and I know your party decor will be spectacular!

  4. A splash of color is always pleasing to the eye and your sneak peek decoration looks like a glazed pineapple close up... interesting.
    I am following you from Mingle Hop and hope you can follow back.

  5. Beautiful pictures Vickie!!

    Have a blessed Sunday...♥

  6. I am loving those Mum's!

  7. i would love to plant mums or anything in my garden. but alas. i am a brown thumb.

  8. I'm seeing the mums becoming available in town and have been tempted to pick up a few. Love the colors you chose. :)

  9. beautiful flowers!! isn't it fun getting a new book?!

  10. The book sounds very good! I just read the blog post about the 5oth birthday celebration. What beautiful weather and a delicious looking cake! I love the colorful mums you have in your yard. Thanks for following me; I am following you and look forward to visiting. My husband is originally from Detroit.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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