Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lobster Party Tradition

Every September, for the past 10 years or so, my friend has hosted a lobster party at her home. It is always a wonderful event and she makes in look effortless every year. They set up a tent in their back yard and decorate with the many lobster decorations that she has accumulated throughout the years of the party. I always tease her, when I help her decorate, that she has as many lobster decorations, as many people have Christmas decorations :-)

Her buffet table was beautifully set up with all her unique, lobster platters and bowls. Even the china cabinet was filled to the brim with the touches of red for the occasion. Everyone brought a dish, to compliment the lobster and the variety of food was fabulous. The lobsters were flown in, the day of the party, from Maine.

The bar area was lined with cute lobster glasses for serving the drinks.
Even the pool and the pool fence were sporting a few spiny, lobster friends.

As darkness fell, everyone gathered in the lighted, tent for dinner. It was the kind of party where you look forward to seeing old friends, you haven't seen in a while. It was the best kind of party, where the evening winds down slowly and you catch up with those friends, you miss. A beautiful, early fall tradition, that we enjoy every year.


Happy Birthday to my husband today! Love you so much <3





  1. Happy Birthday to your Husband! Hope he has an awesome day! The party looks SO much fun! Great party! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. That looks like so much fun. LOVE lobster, eat it frequently whenever I visit back home in New England. My son, growing up, only ate 3 things: chicken nuggets, pizza, and lobster!

  3. What a fun party and tradition! Happy Birthday to your hubby I hope he has a wonderful day!

  4. Wow - that is definitely my kind of party!! What a nice friend you have!

    Happy birthday to your husband! Hope you have a great time celebrating today.

  5. What a great party! I love lobster and lobster decorations!
    Happy birthday to your husband. I hope he has a terrific day.

  6. I love parties with a theme -- and that's a good one! I haven't had lobster since our Maine vacation in July -- but now I want some!!

  7. What a fun and beautiful party. Such a great traditiion too. Happy bday to your hubby.

  8. What a fabulous party! Looks like so much fun, and I'm sure the food was delicious too.

  9. I just found this post on the lobster party. Being a Maritimer (Canada) it is a favourite treat here. My sister was home recently and we had a lobster feed one night as well as lobster rolls (lobster in a hot dog bun). Your friends sure know how to throw a lobster party!
    I would have enjoyed it too. Pamela (playingwithmycamera.blogspot.com)

  10. A lobster party? That sounds cool! I’m certain that the guests loved the theme of the party, especially the food. Is it an all-lobster menu? It sounds tempting and delicious. I wonder what kind of dishes she cooked for this occasion. Well, you can tell your friend to continue doing this annual shindig, and surely, people will turn up to have a taste of her mouth-watering lobster cooking!

    -Liz Peters


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