Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Detail and Color

It still seems a little early to decorate for fall inside, but I couldn't resist bringing some much needed fall color and some fun and whimsical details to the outside of my home. No pumpkins yet, until the weather turns colder, but touches of fall here and there. On the front porch, I added a cheerful, yellow mum in a basket, a pot of orange and yellow pansies and a seasonal welcome sign.

More pansies, and a mum of similar color tones, fill my fire pit, turned planter. To see how this fire pit became a planter, read here.

An unusual variety of a purple mum hangs from a tree, with a inspirational sign in fall colors.

This large metal sunflower hangs from another tree.

A cute statue of a little boy, with a wheelbarrow, is filled with mums in golden hues.

Near the edge of the woods, there is a rustic heart attached to a tall tree stump. A fun detail in an unexpected spot.

A flower pot near a bench gets a pretty mum too.

A sign I have had for years, is given an update with some burlap ribbon.

The pitiful remains of my perenial garden could use some clean up and cutting back, but that will have to wait for another day. Making my outdoors pretty, with color and fall details, was so much more fun :-)

Have a wonderful day!


Linking this post with these friends ~

A Southern Daydreamer

Raindrops and Daisies

Mockingbird Hill Cottage

A Rural Journal


My Repurposed Life


  1. Love all of your pretties! I am going to read about the firepit:) I think that is an awesome idea! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I love all your fall touches. The fire pit is wonderful as a planter. xo

  3. Everything in your garden is perfect. It all blends well together. Nice effort. Keep on it.

  4. Love all the colors of your fall decor. We planted a few mums and put out my fall wreath next week I'll get pumpkins!

  5. Lots, and lots of fall color at your place. Lovely to see everything that you have put together.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  6. Woof! Woof! LOVE FALL colors n missing it this year. Happy Rural Thursday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. I love what you have done with your firepit. Wonderfully done!

  8. I try and wait until October first but I am so ready to decorate the front porch. Love your outdoor garden....and wow that firepit....what a great idea.

  9. Fall decorating is so much fun. I hope you'll show us what you do inside too.

  10. Really love how you used the mums to bring color back into your landscape. :)

  11. I love the touches of fall you have added to your garden.

  12. I love what you've done with your garden! It is very pretty, and very fall-ish too!

  13. Industrious, even in the fall....Happy gardening♫

  14. Lindo jardim, belas fotos!beijos do Brasil,chica

  15. Your flowers are just beautiful. Lovely images. Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend!

  16. Mums are always so cheering on a wet, gray autumn day. We plant them in several colors. I have mine in now, but no pumpkins yet! Soon--maybe this weekend if the rain stops. Linda

  17. The little wheelbarrow is adorable and I can think of lots of cute ways to fill it. I wish I had one!

  18. I love mums also and your garden decorations are really cute! I love the wheelbarrow!

  19. That a pretty yard you have, Vicki! Your fall outdoor decs look wonderful; I just LOVE all your colorful mums and pansies. This makes me want to get my front porch dressed for fall. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  20. Nice photos! I do like most this one who is write FAITH.
    Your garden is so pretty!

  21. Your touches of fall are lovely. Mums are so cheery, aren't they? Fall has suddenly arrived here and the leaves are all turning color - rather quickly!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week, Vicki!


  22. You certainly are ready for Fall! Gorgeous!

  23. I have pumpkins but no mums. Your mums are lovely. I am really liking the lavender ones. Visiting from Claudia's, Olive

  24. The Mums are lovely but I like the yellow and orange pansies best.
    Mama Bear

  25. Lindas fotos! Gostei da placa fé e do coração. Lindas flores, jardim maravilhoso! Abraços e beijos!

  26. Everything looks wonderful. I love decorating for fall and I am finally glad that it is here. :)

  27. I'd love to have real mums and pumpkins in my yard, but up north they'd freeze within days! Your gardens look wonderful!

  28. I love your fall decorating scheme, especially the heart on the tree, what a cute idea!

  29. You have some fun outdoor decorations. Love the mums! Thank you for joining TTF last week. Hope to see you again. Have a fun day!

  30. Your autumn touches are so pretty, Vicki! And you chose such lovely colors. I love the touches of "unexpected" that you have throughout your gardens and by the woods' edge.


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