Wednesday, September 5, 2012

By the River

Over Labor Day weekend, we were fortunate to be invited to our friend's cabin near the Au Sable river, in northern Michigan. It was a wonderful, relaxing few days and we had a great time sitting on various decks on the river, watching the water flow by.

The Au Sable River has a natural beauty and the water is crystal clear. You can see the fish beneath the surface and it is known for its trout fishing and canoeing.

When we arrived, we immediately sat on the deck and had a cocktail; all the while discussing whether we would go canoeing that day or go for a late lunch, at a restaurant on the river. As you can see from this photo, lunch won out and we enjoyed burgers and beer in a beautiful setting. That night, we visited with some friends of our hosts and had a lovely evening at their secluded cabin in the woods.

The next morning, after breakfast at the local bar and grill that served delicious Bloody Marys, we set out for a three hour canoe trip. The river is somewhat shallow, so if the canoe tips (as canoes tend to do) it is easy to climb back in. I wish I had photos of all the natural beauty and wildlife we saw, but I couldn't risk my phone getting wet or lost. It was quiet, calm and you could picture Native Americans taking that same trip in canoes, many years before. We managed not to flip and stayed dry throughout the trip - and my husband and I were still speaking and happy at the end :-)

That evening, after a wonderful dinner of beef tenderloin, cooked on the grill, we enjoyed this amazing fire and laughed and talked into the night.

Before leaving the final day, we did something very far out of my comfort zone. I have never held a rifle, let alone shot one, but we went to a safe location in the woods and shot at targets and clay pigeons. It was fun, but scary too.

We had an amazing weekend by the river; filled with new experiences and new memories with friends. It was a wonderful ending to the summer of 2012.



  1. Oh my goodness... that sounds wonderful! That is a memory worth filing away for a cold wintry day:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. What gorgeous photos! I am so glad you had a lovely time! :)

  3. Enjoyed your photos of your trip to the woods.
    Joyce M

  4. Looks like a great time and trip! Thanks for sharing your experiences, I love the outdoors too! Blessings from Nancy at (following you back!)

  5. Sounds like a fun, relaxing trip. I love spending time outside. My favorite part of camping is sitting around the campfire.

    Thanks for stopping by and following. Returning the favor. : ) Julie from Stlavonlady – Scatterbrained In St. Louis

  6. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a weekend!

  7. Sounds like the perfect weekend at the end of the summer!

  8. Beautiful scenery. That's my kind of vacation. Perhaps you should consider investing in a waterproof camera for next trip.

  9. That does look like a fun weekend! I'd like some grilled trout ;-)

  10. Great photos of a fun weekend with friends ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  11. You go girl...what a beautiful setting!!!

  12. Looks like fun! :)
    Kelsey from Keeping Up With Kelsey

  13. I totally get that gun thing - I've never shot one, but I do hold them as my hubs and son are bird hunters and hoping to be big game hunters as well. Makes me queezie to think of actually shooting one.

  14. Beautiful water peaceful. And the "peace maker" hahah..I know that's not the name but you two are looking pretty handy with the gun.

  15. Noossa,até de rifle?rsr Lindas fotos e deve ter sido emocionante! beijos,chica

  16. Gorgeous river views! Love the shady greens round the river! Don't think I could face handling a rifle for any reason!

  17. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend! I went skeet shooting for the first time this year on my birthday was awesome!!!

  18. You go girl! I love to practice target shooting, but have never tried skeet. :)

  19. A wonderful ending of summer ! You had relaxing days full of action and beauty !

  20. I love the first photo of the river. Gorgeous.

  21. Sounds like a lovely time, the canoeing sounds like fun. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing.

  22. a lovely time by the river with lots of shades of green

  23. Que delícia, sempre vejo filmes com essas águas cristalinas e trutas, imagino a água fria...!


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