Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yacht Club

Recently, we joined some friends for a beautiful dinner at their yacht club, on the Detroit River. Boating is very popular in the Detroit area, and one of the nicest things to do on a summer evening is have dinner at a club or a restaurant overlooking the water. Or, if you are lucky, spend the evening on the water, taking a sunset boat ride. From the many marina locations, you can travel by boat from the Detroit River, north to Lake St. Clair or south towards Lake Erie.

When we arrived, we sat on the deck, had a few glasses of wine, relaxed and talked. The weather was perfect, with blue skies and a light breeze, off the water.

This was our pretty view as we sat on the deck. The sailboats were nearing the end of a race and looked beautiful on the blue water. Also, the land you see is Canada. Yes, it is that close.

As we sat down to dinner on the patio, the sun was just setting on the Detroit skyline in the distance. Another one of those unforgettable, summer nights in Michigan. Our winters are long and these memories help us make it through those cold, cold months :-)



  1. Gorgeous photos:) I didn't think Canada was that near!

  2. Beautiful pictures:) I love evenings like this! You will pull that memory out again and again when the weather is not so pleasant! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

  3. You gals look fab! Newest follower from the GFC link up party today! What a great blog so excited to have found you!!
    Follow back if ya get a chance :)

  4. Just found you through the blog hop!

    That sounds so nice!!
    Also, I live that close to Canada too! Well pretty much. I live in Bellingham WA and we're about 20 mins from the Canadian border, we also have SUPER long winters with about 2 months of nice summer. We're nearing the end.. I'm scared! I hate winter!

  5. I live in Canada. I shop in Detroit Michigan as often as possible!! Yay to you Neighbour!! Yeah, that's not a typo, that is how we spell neighbour!! LOL
    Have an awesome week!!
    Connie from Sadieloohoo

  6. Nice blog! I am almost an empty nester, too! You'll hate me for admitting this but I love the winter because I live in South Florida and can't stand 8 months of heat! Newest follower from the GFC blog hop and glad I found you!! Would love it if you could visit and follow back. Thanks for sharing!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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