Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What I Will Miss

This has been a fun summer and not because we have traveled anywhere particularly exciting or have gone on a lot of family outings. In fact, it has been a pretty quiet summer overall. But, what has made it fun, is that my daughters have been around the house. Megan has been in and out, and and Melissa was home for the summer, from college. We even managed to squeeze in a family vacation to northern Michigan. You learn, as your children get older and are busy with sports and work, that family time tends to suffer. You learn to appreciate any time the whole family is together, even if it is as simple as a backyard barbecue on a Sunday night.

It is the simple things that I think about as summer winds down. I will miss the sound of my daughters laughter and music as they get ready in their rooms upstairs. That noise of sisters enjoying time together. I will miss the nights we all stayed in to watch a movie or that impromptu trip for ice cream. Sure my house will be less loud and my refrigerator will be less empty, but I wouldn't trade the chaos for anything in the world. There is something so comforting about having your family all under your roof. I know they are happy when they are out in the world, doing their thing, but having them walk in the door at the end of the day, smile at me and say " hi mom", is what I will miss the most.



  1. Sweet memories made! You can look forward to having them back again! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. It is nice having them all over the same roof once in awhile.

  3. Very true, doesnt seem to happen often enough now that ours are married and living in other places!

  4. Awww...I try to remind myself of that all the time as we are in the midst of middle and high school soccer, band and football!! ps...Go Blue!!!!!!!

  5. Awww. My daughter started her senior year at college yesterday. :(
    I thought after the first two years it would get easier. I don't think it ever gets easy. I've had Empty nest syndrome for 4 years now.

  6. It's wonderful that you are all together for this summer, and enjoying your time together...

    It certainly doesn't last long enough does it.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  7. Hi Vicki, you are right it is the quiet simple memories we make that count the most. We took our college girl back to school this weekend. She was home only two weeks and it was not enough. Thanks so much for visiting, Olive

  8. It's wonderful that you had them back for the summer and I know exactly what you mean about missing them when they leave.

    My daughter goes to school several states away but comes home for a month every summer; the sound of an empty home when she leaves again is so sad. I find myself looking for things she may have left behind just so I feel a bit closer to her. (And suspect she leaves them behind just for that reason as something of mine invariably gets 'accidentally' tucked into her bags when she leaves.)

  9. Although my girls still live at home it is sometimes hard for us all to gather at the dinner table together ~ I miss that! I look forward to those "Hi Mom's" too!! I am glad that you got to enjoy the simple things of summer with your girls ~ the important thing is to be together. : )

  10. Oh and I meant to tell you that I love the photo ~ your girls are gorgeous!

  11. It is good you had them back for the summer.

    Just came across your blog!
    Now following
    look forward to continue reading


  12. Glad that you got to have some family time.

    I'm a new follower from the WW Hop. Hope you can stop by mamasmusingsblog.blogspot.com

  13. Your girls are gorgeous! You nailed it girl when you said it's the little things! It totally is, nothing like a movie, ice cream family time, you mean when they get older that ceases eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek lol! That is why I am getting in all the Kelcee time I can before she gets older and is like mom I'm busy lol! I loved all this Sunshine and glad you had a great Summer with your girls and got to go on a little family trip! Thanks for sharing and thanks for linking up girl! Summer

  14. Makes me treasure this time while mine are young. They do grown and want to fly away so fast! Visiting from MBM...

  15. It really is wonderful and terrible all at the same time. I don't have kids, but we're going through it now with my nephews as they get older and have "significant others" in their lives. Having to split time with the girlfriends' families makes for some sad new holiday traditions in having to fill some gaps without them, but it also brings other times when we have additional people to celebrate with in all coming together. Squeek out all the moments you can before they're completely out on their own. :) [#TALU]

  16. Bless your heart! I hear you! My kids are 17 and 14 and the day is quickly coming that I will find my nest empty as well. It is so bittersweet...while I love the people they are becoming, I do miss the days of cuddles and cheerios. I am trying hard to enjoy every minute I have with them now. Glad to find your blog today via the TALU.

  17. Hi Vicki. I'm sad that this time is coming so soon for me. Right now I have 6 at home, but w/in 5 years, they'll all have graduated from HS, so I know I'll have a few years of that transitional time with them.

    Thanks for linking this up with the TALU!

  18. I know what you mean. This Christmas my two oldest kids (age 27 and 24) will be with me overnight on Christmas Eve and we will spend Christmas together. I haven't seen my daughter since March. :(


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