Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...empty nest, books, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

  • Since, I have spent the better part of this week helping Melissa get ready to go back to school, I am ready to relax the next couple of days. I plan on drinking a lot of tea, reading and maybe taking a last visit or two to the pool. All the cleaning and organizing I need to do to get my house back in shape, can wait until next week. I need some time to adjust to the quiet - and try not to miss her too much.
  • In case you were wondering; this is what it looks like when you are packing up someone to go off to college. I have to believe that girls have more stuff than boys. The shoes alone could take up the whole trunk of the car. And, then there is make up, jewelry and all the cute decorations for the dorm room. She makes me smile though, because it is all fun and girly and she was so excited :-)
  • I brought out my sewing machine this week for the first time, in a long time, and made curtains for Melissa's dorm room windows. Pretty, simple white on white, with a purple daisy chain trim. I am very glad I learned how to sew when I was a teenager. It takes no time at all to make an easy pair of curtains and they are so much better and nicer than you could purchase. I have found that where I live, the ability to sew has become something of a lost art.
  • This is the next book I plan on reading. I will be starting it this weekend and it is getting really good reviews. The title is The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns by Margaret Dilloway. It is a story about friendship and about learning to be a good friend to someone, in return. It is also a story about learning to accept help, when it is freely given. I think most of us have no problem helping our friends and family, but it is harder to accept or ask for help when we need it. Do you think most women are like this?
Have a wonderful Thursday :-)


Linking this post with life of love


  1. I wish you could teach me to use my sewing machine. Those curtains are adorable. Good luck to your daughter. Enjoy your quiet.

  2. I love tea too!! I just discovered your blog and I love it! I'm your newest follower -- hope you can check mine out too! xo

  3. I really really want to get back to sewing. My mom taught me when I was in middle school. I'm not sure if I'm any good, but I'd like to practice. It's definitely a lost art I'd like to find again.

  4. I have a sewing machine but I suck at using it. I need someone to sit me down and teach me about tension, because all the YouTube tutorials are confusing me. Still, the curtains look great! Love it, Vicki!

  5. The book sounds interesting
    will definitely look it up.

    Well done you on getting your sewing machine out!

    Best of luck to your daughter
    and I'm not too sure if you are right about girls having more stuff
    because son no 2 in this house has more clothes and stuff
    than the rest of us put together!!!

    Have a great weekend. x

  6. A daughter off to college! Good luck to your big girl!

  7. I never did learn to sew. I wish I could but I'm not going to learn at this late date.
    Good luck to your collage girl!

  8. It's always so bittersweet when we send them off to college - I remember feeling so sad when my daughter left (oh so many years ago now). But think of the good things - sewing for yourself and taking time to read these great books.

  9. I found your blog via Moms Monday Mingle :) Your title drew me in as Im a mom getting used to an empty nest. Well I have four kids and my second just left home and its killing me. Im a new follower.


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