Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Paula Deen and Me

When Paula Deen revealed she had been struggling with her diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, many people immediately started blaming her diet and her style of cooking. While that was a key part of her diagnosis, I didn't join in on the criticism. There are many factors associated with diabetes, including heredity and just bad luck. Her diet absolutely needed to change, but she admitted she had been in denial for about two years, and I could definitely relate to that.

I have always been a little stubborn and need to come to any decision on my own and in my own time. At the beginning of my diagnosis, I totally changed my diet and started exercising regularly. Along with medication, I was convinced I could control my blood sugar and not really change my life too much. Well, this disease does not work like that. Over time, in order to get the results I needed - where there would at least be a chance for less organ damage - I figured out how many carbs I could eat (not many). I tested and tested and my doctor added an additional medication, to help with the things I couldn't control.

My latest test results show that what I am doing is working! I am thrilled and finally feel like I have this crazy way of life figured out. Like Paula, I have lost 30 pounds and walk almost every day. I don't miss the carbs anymore. I miss having wine when I want, but will still have a glass with dinner. If Paula could change her lifestyle and give up all that butter and sugar; I could give up the bad carbs too.

And, if Paula could admit to the world that she was a diabetic, I could write about it on this blog. Paula helped me see I was in denial - hopefully by writing about my story, I can help someone too :-)





  1. I am not diabetic but most of my family is! I am proud of you and Paula for tackling this disease and losing that weight! BIG HUGS to you dear Vicki!

  2. Kiddos to you that change is not easy but for your health I'm happy you are on top of it and congrats to being successful!

  3. Congratulations - it's so hard to make this kind of change but it's so worth it. Joining from Welcome Wednesday.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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