Monday, August 6, 2012

My Little Gymnasts

The Olympics always make me nostalgic for the days when my daughters were gymnasts. They both started gymnastics at the age of three and started competing in fun meets and then increasingly more competitive meets, until they started high school. At that point, they were practicing up to twelve hours a week. We ultimately decided that since their private high school did not have a gymnastic team, it would be better for them to switch to a sport where they could represent their school. It was a hard decision, but Megan ended up being successful on the varsity golf and diving teams and Melissa was a member of the varsity pom team and is now a member of her college pom team.

They were so little when they started, but quickly learned how to do a somersault and a handstand. Then, a cartwheel on the floor and soon a cartwheel on the balance beam. And, before we knew it, they were fearlessly swinging high on the uneven bars and flipping over the vault. Gymnastics is a sport that teaches determination and courage. It teaches that practice does make perfect.

I can't help but think how the Olympic gymnast's parents were probably remembering those little girls, with pig tails and gaps in their teeth, learning how to do their first cartwheel. As they watched their daughters receive their gold medals, in front of the world audience, they must have been so proud of their little gymnasts - now Olympic champions.


Linking up today with The Things We Find Inside and Hayley's World


  1. Hi, I just landed here from the Mom's Monday Mingle.. I'm a brand new follower.
    Bella Vida by Letty

    Those girls are amazing and inspiring.

    Have a great day.

  2. Delightful's evident you have wonderful memories. Along with all the opportunities our young people have when they're young, come choices. Looks like you made good ones for your daughters.
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm happy to be a new follower, Mary Alice

  3. The determination that those Olympians show, to move beyond being tired, sore, and everything else they must go through inspires many of us.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  4. how awesome that your girls were able to experience that growing up....I look at these amazing athletes and wonder how in the world they can do any of the things they do! (especially those uneven bars....did that scare you to watch when they were little?)

  5. Sweet memories! All of the Olympians are simple amazing!!

  6. how sweet! My mom just did the same thing and was pulling out pictures of me when I was in gymnastics! :)

    Thanks for linking up today!

  7. aww this is so sweet- what wonderful memories! stopping by from the link up! so glad i did because your blog is super cute! cant wait to read more :)

  8. What great memories. I know as I watch the Olympics I am in awe of the athletes and then think somewhere there are parents sitting and watching their child compete who are also in awe of what they have become, but who also remember the scraped knees of a little boy and the pig tails of a little girl.

  9. Yes I cannot even begin to imagine what the Olympians moms were feeling- they all give up and sacrifice so much. How fun that your girls were able to compete in it for so long. I think my daughter wants to but she is going to be super tall (6'1" probably) so probably not the sport for her.

  10. Oh so cute! Your girls were adorable and you must be so proud! I'm so glad you linked up to the Mixer, friend, and I hope to see you again next week! :)


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