Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Late Blooms As Summer Fades

We've had somewhat of a revival in our Michigan flower gardens, in the past few weeks. The temperatures have been less than scorching and there has been much needed rain every now and then. These Black Eyed Susans near my front porch, are back to looking pretty and still blooming strong.

These Vincas which surround a tree in my front yard are gorgeous again with their vibrant pinks, purples and reds.

In my Perennial garden this yellow Sweet Coneflower provides a splash of color, as it waves tall in the breeze.

My newest Perennial - 'First Love' - bloomed recently with these bright, pink flowers. I thought the deer had chewed off the buds, but thankfully, I was wrong. These are just too pretty to have missed.

This one perfect Daisy is still blooming, bravely in my side yard. Just a reminder to us of the first flowers in June.

Even in the spot where some less than hardy Impatiens are now gone, there is still something new to look at. I recently added some smooth, white rocks from a Lake Michigan beach.

I plan on enjoying the peace and relaxation that I feel when I walk in my flower garden on sunny, summer days, as long as I can. These late blooms remind me how much I will miss them before too long.

Hope you can go outside and enjoy the last of the summer days.



  1. Your flowers are beautiful! The lack of rain this year has been hard on gardens, but it's great that you still have some blooms to enjoy!

  2. First love is really pretty. I've not heard of it before. I like your rock display from the lake. It'll key good memories every time you walk by.

  3. these flowers look beautiful, i'm thinking of getting a hammock so i can enjoy the outdoors more =)

  4. Your flowers look so pretty...like they've survived the heat beautifully. As much as I'm ready for cooler temps, I don't think I'm ready for bare trees and flower beds.
    Mary Alice

  5. Gorgeous flowers. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.


  6. Beautiful Vicki. I think I need to get some first love perennials.

  7. What beautiful flowers! I love black eyed Susan's our other neighbor on the opposite side of us has tons and they bloom out and our so so pretty! I have never seen a coneflower but I love it! I just read another link up for the Sunshine post about a garden and these both have made me smile from ear to ear at 3:00 am when I can't sleep! Hey GOD is telling me through you guys that something just as simple as a garden can be the best ever and just take it all in and don't worry! I love that you have that hot pink flower and told the name of it lol! First Love we have that and I never had any idea what it was called I just called them my precious hot pink thingys lol! I love that one little daisy standing so mighty and strong by itself and your new rock collection with your decorative rock beside it! Thanks for linking sweets xoxo

  8. I love black eyed Susans. They are one of my favorites. Thanks for linking up today it was nice to see all your garden.

  9. Lovely! Our temps have been unreal. My flowers look so sad!

    Thanks for sharing on the All Star Block Party!

  10. really nice blooms! glad they revived. visiting from green day, today. :)

  11. Lindas flores!!beijos,ótimo fim de semana,chica

  12. Beautiful flowers.

    ... visiting from Green Day ...

  13. Ιt's so good that even your flower blooming ..They are wonderful and healthy.
    Here are sunburned despite constantly watering . It is so hot ! Visiting from Green Day ,

  14. Olá,
    As flores são lindas de um modo em geral mas a da margarida gigante está belíssima!!!
    Deus te cubra de bênçãos e te faça feliz!!!
    Abraços fraternos de paz

  15. Your flowers are beautiful! ;)

  16. Greetings from Ireland.

    Thank you so much for linking up with Green Day
    and your beautiful flower shots.

    It has been lovely visiting your blog.

    Have a great weekend.

    x Fiona

  17. Wunderschöne Aufnahmen all dieser Sommer Blumen, und es ist ja immer schön wenn sie so nach und nach in Blüte kommen, so sind bis tief in den Herbst hinein immer bunte Farbtupfer zu sehen...

    Lieben Gruß

  18. Lovley Flowers....
    and do not miss.....




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  19. Hi. I just joined you and invited my sister, renae@simplesequins.com to do the same. I really like your flowers and the quote. The season is closing in a month...so I will need to look for someway to have a garden. I know, fly south, hahahhahahhaaaa.


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