Friday, August 10, 2012

Coffee Table Components

Today, I am linking with Kelly's Korner " show us your life" series once again. This week, Kelly is looking for readers to share their ideas for coffee table decorations. The coffee table and its components can be the centerpiece of a room, so it is fun to find unique and interesting objects to put on the table top. It is also fun to change the objects, from time to time, so you have a new look without spending any money. I like to switch decor from other rooms or use seasonal items. My latest look will take me from summer to fall.

This coffe table is from Ethan Allen and is one of my favorite pieces in my home. I think it creates the casual, homey feel I want, yet gives presence In the large scale of my great room. I love the shelf under the table and use it for large, coffee table books. This table gets a lot of use, so it needs to be pretty and functional. The neutral colors seem appropriate for late summer, early fall.

Individual Components
  • Coffee Table Books
These large scale books lend personality and art to the table. They bring a casual welcoming feel and an air of relaxation in the room. These don't have to be expensive. Look for beautiful and interesting books on clearance tables at book stores.

  • Interesting Objects in a Bowl
This is my favorite way to introduce something unique to the room. These are from a great online shopping source I have recently discovered. These apples have a covering of paper that looks like antique newsprint and handwriting. Something unexpected and different than a bowl of fruit.

  • Tall Candlesticks
These candlesticks are just tall enough to add height to the coffe table display, yet not so high as to block the view of the television or the people you are talking to. I like the mood that lit candles bring to any room.

The key is to look for components that show your personality and represent your home and life. Look for the fun in the display, especially if the table is in a room your family spends a lot of time in. Make the coffee table beautiful, but also make it something you can live with everyday. Leave room to put up your feet and for that afternoon cup of coffee :-)

Have a great weekend!


Also linking with :-)

The Charm of Home

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. Your table looks great! I really like the page-covered balls. So cute.

    That link you supplied to the store is awesome too. Has a ton of cool stuff!


  2. Love the apples - have done the same thing with eggs during the holidays. Wish my coffee table was so uncluttered! Joining from Friday Blog Hop. Stop by and visit.

  3. Love the apples too... Looks like a fun thing to make and change up for the seasons.. kind of an inspirational art idea really! Hmmmm... wheels are starting to turn!
    Thanks for the post... found you on the friday blog hop
    treasuring grace
    foster parent rescue

  4. Those apples are absolutely adorable! I like the candlesticks too. I'm a sucker for details. I found you via the hop and I'm now following. When you can, I'd love a visit at my little place: Thanks and have an awesome weekend!

  5. I'm stopping by for a visit from Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life.
    I especially love the colors and details you're using in your vignettes. The apples, candlesticks and coffee table books are my favorites!
    Have a terrific week.

  6. Love your table! I adore the objects in the bowl. Your newest follower from the Charm of Home. :)

  7. Hi Vicki,
    What a great post. I am intrigued with the charming bowl of apples. I would love to try to make some...and, so would my three mischievous housecats. A few might find their way under the sofa, but, I'd still love to give them a try.
    Your blog is a delight! thanks for sharing.

  8. Great coffee table, love those colors. So far we have never had one, I know it's a industry standard in houses...but we seem to not require one...yet.

    Love the apples, they look so delicate, but substantial.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  9. the paper apples are rather cool. :)

  10. I love your coffee table!! The candlesticks don't work for me - my infant son is too close to crawling and they would make rather dangerous toys - but I love your books and the beautiful table!! I'm a new follower who found you on the GFC hop!

  11. The balls in the bowl look neat!


  12. Very nice blog. I am following you now. Please drop by to Carole's Chatter and check it out. You might like my Food on Friday series which focuses on a different ingredient. Last week it was Berries and Currants. This week it is pork. If you like my blog it would be great if you followed me back. Have a good week.

  13. love your fun and new ideas!! especially the fruit with a twist!

  14. I seriously want to come visit you to see your decor. It is so amazingly pretty and fun.
    I also want to let you know I am giving you an award.

    You seriously deserve it in a big way.

  15. Hi Vicki

    Greetings from a very wet and rainy Ireland.

    Lovely blog you have here
    and I am follower NO. 20!!

    Have a great week

    I am off now to read some more of your posts.

    Happy Monday

    x Fiona

  16. The covered apples are very cool. Always love typography. It adds much needed interest to our decor, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing your tips!

  17. Hello
    I've just blog hopped over from Brenda's Tweak it Tuesday post.
    Really love all these ideas for decorating a coffee table....thanks for sharing.

    Keep well


  18. Love, love, love the apples! Hopped over from Cozy Little House and I'm happy to be your newest follower. Would love to have you stop by for a visit. Judy @

  19. You're absolutely right! And all your components came together like magic.

  20. Love the apples. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  21. Love your coffee table and the apples! Thanks for sharing.


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