Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Blogging Surprises

Since I started this blog, there have been some surprising things I have learned both about myself and the world of blogging. First and foremost, is how much I enjoy writing everyday. When you start a blog and you make a commitment to yourself to post nearly every day, it seems daunting. But, I didn't realize I had been writing a blog in my head for many years - it was just a matter of sitting still and letting the words flow through my computer.

Some other surprises were...

  • People are really nice in this big, blogosphere! I have been welcomed so warmly and so many of you have left such kind comments. I feel I can already call some of you friends. Anyone who takes the time to read my blog is special to me.
  • I love taking photos. I have never been interested in photography at all, but find the challenge of taking just the right photo to tell the story, so interesting. I feel I have already learned so much and know my photos will only get better.
  • Finding my voice, through writing, was more natural than I thought it would be. The best advice I took, was from a blog by Ree Drummond at The Pioneer Women. She said to write like you are talking to your sister or a girlfriend. I feel this advice helps me be real and keeps me honest.
  • It was easier talking about my Diabetes than I thought. In fact, I wasn't sure I would talk about it at all. After much thought, it occurred to me that, maybe my experience could help someone and that's what made the decision easy. It doesn't define me, but it's a big part of my day to day life and it needed to be out there.
So, thank you all for reading this past month. I have enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to many more chances to share our lives :-)





  1. What a nice post. I feel the same way about blogging. I would miss it terribly if I couldn't do it. Have a good day!

  2. Hi Vicki,

    Just to wish you the very best with your blog
    it is lovely and I enjoy visiting you very much.

    I don't think that I could blog everyday
    it is a huge commitment and my life isn't that
    interesting anyway!!!

    Once a week is about right for me.

    I know a lot of bloggers post everyday
    and that is great
    but if you are a follower sometimes
    it is difficult to comment and to keep up.

    I visit my favourite blogs once or maybe twice a week
    and that gives me time to enjoy them and also to
    enjoy "real life"

    You have lots of followers now so you are definitely
    a blog that is enjoyed.

    Keep up the good work my friend.

    Take care

    x Fiona

  3. I used to dream of having my very own magizine ~ some place to post about the things that I love.. Thats how blogging came to me. It's the perfect venue to be creative and make tons of friends from all over the world. I'm glad that you found the blogging world and are able to exercise your love for writing and sharing. We are happy that you are here too! : )

  4. I've really enjoyed your blog and look for it on a daily basis! Glad to have found your little piece of the blogosphere!

  5. Love your blog!
    Daisy @ http://trendymomreviews.blogspot.com

  6. It's amazing how much inspiration and support is shared in blogland! I would never have imagined how much I would enjoy it, and now it's something I look forward to each day :-)

  7. Happy to hear that you are having a great experience with blogging. Blogging friends are the best. They are so kind and thoughtful and leave such nice comments. Glad I found your blog!

  8. Great post, Vicki. I do recommend that you follow back people who follow you.
    Have a great week!

  9. I'm so glad to have found you via the GFC blog hop and I'm your newest follower. Feel free to stop by my blog anytime- I'm currently hosting my August giveaway which I would love for you to enter for a chance to win products from Sibu Beauty! Happy Tuesday!


  10. now follow you through GFC and found you through the mom's monday mingle!

  11. New follower through GFC Blog Hop. I look forward to catching up on your blog and you. My hubby is from MI so we spend time there every summer. Stacie xo

  12. I love this post, I have made some really lovely online friends through blogging :) I'm following from the Happy Hour Projects Hop.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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