Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back From Vacation

I just returned home from a short vacation with my family. Here is a preview of our trip to beautiful, northern Michigan. This photo was taken at Sturgeon Bay on Lake Michigan, near the very top of the state.

We had a great time with my parents and my sister's family. Sunset on Lake Michigan is one of my favorite spots on earth. And, time spent with family is so valuable to me as each year passes.

More photos of this beautiful part of my state tomorrow. Have a great day!


  1. What a beautiful pic.

    Stopping by to say "hi" and follow ya from the GFC hop. If you're up for a bit of a ride come join me at we're riding the wave of life one little adventure at a time.


  2. What a lovely photo, Vicki! Glad you enjoyed your vacation and I look forward to seeing more photos.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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