Monday, July 16, 2012

Why I Walk

When I left my job about one year ago, the first thing I started to do was walk at least five times a week. I was determined to get healthier and reduce my stress. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes 2 and something needed to change in my life. (that subject is a blog for another day :) Exercise is key to maintaining good blood sugar levels, along with diet. So, I began walking almost daily with this cutie.

Walking is such a great stress reducer. You are in the fresh air and the sunshine. You can see the change in the seasons and notice the little things like flowers and the birds. I walk in all four seasons. I love the changing colors of the leaves in the fall and the cold on my face and the crunch of the snow under my feet in the winter. I love the new growth in the woods in the spring and the beautiful flowers in my neighborhood in the summer. Luckily I am able to change my route daily because my neighborhood consists of miles of paths through the woods.

As time went on the stress melted away and I started to feel more fit. I was able to lose that last 5 pounds that is always so stubborn. Walking became the highlight of my day - I looked forward to it and missed it when I couldn't for some reason. It became time to spend on me. Just what I needed to get to that simple life I am looking for :)


  1. It's amazing how much a little walking can do for you.

    I love taking some "me time" and taking a walk - sometimes you need that time just to catch a breath!

    Glad your walks are helping with stress/weight/etc!

    1. It does help you catch a breath! Enjoy your walks too :)

  2. Hi Vicki!
    Saw you stopped by Simply Sweet Sunday to follow - hope you were able to look around : )
    Hope you visit again and leave a comment to let me know how you are doing! Keep up the good work with those walks :)
    I'm your newest follower!

  3. I love this post. I love to walk too.Thanks for linking up to my party.=)

  4. one of my favorite things is taking afternoon walks!

    come say a quick hi at :)

    have a wonderful day!

  5. That really is a cute walking partner! Thanks for joining Flock Together yesterday. I am now your happy GFC follower!

  6. Thanks for reading! She is my incentive to get out, even if the weather is bad :-)

  7. I keep trying to talk myself into getting out there and walking. I really NEED to, but with knees that semi-regularly snap out of place, a back mangled in a car accident a bazillion years ago, and one foot that always likes to swell up for no particular reason, I keep putting it off out of a fear of getting myself "stuck" somewhere. If often joke about snagging a shopping cart from somewhere so I can lean on it and walk when my back won't let me stand up straight - and use it in place of a walker if I pop a knee out of place... or have someone roll me home if I walk to far to make it back LOL. If I could just do it long enough for it to catch on as a habit! Just pop on the iPod and go!! I live in a beautiful area with walking trails all over the place, so there really isn't much excuse![#TALU]

  8. Great post, Vicki, and thanks for the inspiration.

    Thanks, also, for linking up with the TALU!

  9. Ok, you got me. Leashing the dog up right now! Thanks for the reminder. (Visiting from TALU)

  10. I need a dog! Yours is a cutie. And I love that path. We don't have any sidewalks and there isn't much variation so I get bored with walking outside. With the pollen now I have to go to the gym anyway. ~TALU

  11. Cute dog! Your walking path looks lovely!

  12. I love going for long walks, too! Your dog is adorable!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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