Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Keep Calm and Garden On

My flowers were seriously crying today. The temperature was 102 hot degrees, with no rain in sight. In fact, we have only had a mere 2 inches of rain since the beginning of June. Needless to say, I have been watering my flowers a lot. This is usually the time of summer we get the payoff with big beds and lots of blooms. Not this year. Between the heat wave in the spring, the hard frosts after things started blooming and now the drought, the flowers are confused. I could show you pictures of my garden, but I'll spare you the sight ;-) I'm not giving up though. I will keep watering and hope for some rain. I still enjoy looking at the daily changes, seeing the new growth and being outside amongst my flowers. Gardening is one of those things I am embracing at this time in my life. I will keep calm and garden on...and maybe start thinking about the fall flowers to come :-)

How are your gardens doing this year? I would love to hear about your tips for this dry summer!



  1. After not planting flowers that last few years - we decided to this year - since we updated our old landscaping this summer. The good news is the flowers are still doing fairly well - the bad news is most of my new shrubs/bushes are not!!! Plus my new sod isn't doing to well either! BUT we are watering too - so hopefully it will pull through!

    1. It looks like it rained a little last night :-)
      The flowers hit by the sprinklers are doing ok - the ones that aren't need more water than I can keep up with. Sorry about your new plantings - hope they make a comeback!

  2. I am sure you will have better luck next time! Newest follower via blog via blog hop! Would love for you to follow back!?

  3. I love gardening! We have zucchini, yellow and green, sweet peas, blueberries, and blackberries that are ready right now. Just waiting for our corn, watermelon and cucumbers to get ripe. Stopping by from Mom's Best. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim!

  4. I love gardening! The army moved us to Texas a few years ago and my green thumb turned brown. I cannot adjust to the heat and no rain. Since we rent I don't want to put in underground irrigation which would seem the best way. Sigh. Hopefully they will move us soon to somewhere that has rain. Stopping by from Welcome Wednesdays and now following you. http://www.robinseccentricities.com/


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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