Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Full Moon Yoga


Some of you might remember that on January 1st, I started the new year with morning yoga on the beach and was determined that 2024 would be a year of consistent movement for me.  I am happy to say that I have done really well towards that goal.  Most weeks I am doing some form of a yoga practice three times over the week, other weeks it is twice or sometimes once along with other exercise like golf, walking and gardening.  

Beach yoga is wonderful and I look forward to cooler weather again and the end of rainy season to be able take advantage of it a bit more.  Last week’s full moon, which was called a super moon, brought over 100 people to the beach for a yoga under night skies. It is a different sensation to do yoga in the dark, but moonlight and glow sticks are really all you need.  You rely on the instructors voice and it gives you a totally different focus.  

When I am able to do things like this on a regular basis; things others can only dream of experiencing on vacation, I am always grateful and appreciative.  Life is good at the beach.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Year of Movement - February Update


I think it is important to pat yourself on the back if you set a goal and then meet that goal.  As I approach another birthday, I am determined to get myself moving more consistently.  I decided in addition to walking with my dog everyday, heavy gardening and golf, and haphazard yoga, my goal would be to do three yoga practices per week.  I try to do beach yoga one time and one long and one short practice at home with the Down Dog app.  Writing it down and holding myself accountable each week has helped and it is now becoming a habit.  

January was a success and my goals were met, despite some pretty cold beach yoga weather.  It feels good to move more and I can already tell the consistency is helping my muscle tone and flexibility.  Balance is always a struggle for me (inner ear issues) but the stronger I get, the easier that becomes too.  

I am going to brag a little bit about beach yoga and stress how lucky I feel every time I go.  There are donation based classes every day; mornings at 8 or 9 or sunset yoga at 5, 6 or 7 depending on sunset times.  Since I am not a morning person I don’t often make the morning classes, but love the sunset time frame.  Let me paint a picture for you.  I try to arrive a bit early, put down my mat on the sand near the yoga shell circle and sit quietly, looking out at the water and the cloud formations.  If you take the time to notice, you can hear the surf and the birds.  You can feel the gulf breezes and the sun on your face too.  It is a peaceful start to a yoga practice where you are part of nature and see sand, blue sky and water all around you.  

You come away feeling blessed to live in such a beautiful place.


Friday, July 12, 2019

On Turning 60

So, I have some thoughts on turning 60.

 First, it’s not so bad!  60 is the new 40, right.  But, in all seriousness a few years ago, I was dreading leaving my fifties and 60 sounded like a really big number.  After moving to Florida and totally reinventing my lifestyle, I am in better shape than I have been in many years, my heath is good and life here is really like living in paradise everyday.  There is a lot to celebrate.

I wrote about my health journey after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes here, and how that was really the catalyst for me to make changes.  There are so many health issues associated with Diabetes and I was determined to overcome all those challenges.  Along the way, I reclaimed the active younger me who I had lost.  Who was that person that drank a can of Coke for breakfast ?! Walking and yoga, along with healthier eating will be what keeps me young and enjoying retirement with my husband.  We retired young and are determined enjoy every minute of it.

Age really is just a number and that is so evident here in Florida.  I tend to be one of the younger ones
around and I am so inspired by those who are twenty years older than me, but still active every day.  It’s all about keeping moving, keeping flexible and staying strong.  I recommend yoga to everyone
for that very reason.  At 60, I am stronger and more flexible than ever and am proud of those 2
(working on 3) minute planks.  And when I golf, my drives are longer than ever.

So, I’m looking at 60 as the beginning of a new chapter.  A chapter of life that I am excited about, without looking back and worrying about getter older.  It’s a cliche, but if you are as young as you feel, I am ready to live my life with energy and new experiences for as long as possible.  There is so much to look forward to.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Life Lately (Beach and Books)

Life lately or at least this week, has consisted of beaches and books.  We have entered the summer rainy season (a little early) in tropical southwest Florida and while we still have beautiful, sunny beach days, we also get periods of rain quite often, perfect for reading.

Mother's Day was hot and sunny and since I wasn't with my girls, I chose to spend the day at the beach; always a mood lifter.  Siesta Key beach was perfect as usual, but with a little more wild surf than normal and it's so relaxing listening to the waves crash.  We tried a new to us Mexican restaurant and though the food was good, the margaritas were not and since I'm always on the search for the perfect margarita, I don't think we will be back.

Tuesday night, after being rained out for golf in the afternoon,  I wanted some exercise and fresh air, so I went to sunset yoga on the beach.  It was cloudy and windy, so not much of a sunset, but the waves were really crashing and I loved it.  It's such a peaceful option at the end of the day and it makes me happy that I can jump in the car and be at the beach in minutes.

The two book covers shown are books that I have read lately and loved.  And, both were books that I did not expect to enjoy so much.  The Lost For Words Bookshop is quirky, dark, surprising and filled with literary references.  One Day in December is more of a chick lit book, but it has a lot of heart and the story keeps you guessing on how the inevitable outcome with occur.

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Slow and Steady

Yesterday held a significant milestone in my journey towards better health.

Over the past nine years, since my diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, I have been all in on changing my
lifestyle and becoming more healthy.  It's been a slow and steady process that includes diet, exercise
and stress reduction. Along with improved A1c numbers, (3 month blood glucose average) I have
continued to lose weight over the nine years.  Yesterday, I hit my goal weight.  I have never gone up more than a couple of pounds in that time and I might hit a plateau here and there, but the weight has continued to fall off.   I think now that I have reached this goal, I may even work at losing another 5 pounds.

How did I do it?

Diet and Medication

It's important to ask your doctor to prescribe weight lowering diabetic medication, rather than weight
gaining if possible.  They might not tell you, but there is a difference.

My diet is one that has evolved over the years and I do not deprive myself of anything.  I eat
breakfast, a small snack, a later lunch that has the majority of my daily carbs and a light dinner or
protein/carb snack.  I count carb servings all day.  If I want dessert, I have it.  But, it will be a small piece of cake, one cookie or maybe even just a few bites.  Low carb ice cream, Bai coconut water and Truvia for baking are my secret weapons.

Wine does not really effect my blood sugar, but bananas send it soaring.  You learn what works for you.  I rarely snack and having given up caffeine a few years ago, do not drink much soda.  I used to drink regular coke and can't even imagine drinking one now.


Immediately after my diagnosis, I started to walk at least 5 days every week.  I also stared yoga
which I love and has helped me build strength.  Since moving to Florida, there is no excuse not to get
outside.  Year around golf is a wonderful perk. I will never be one to go to the gym, but the important
thing is to move each day.  I also exercise later in the day to help my overnight blood sugar spikes.
My goal for this year is to try some new kind of exercise, like a Barre class.

Stress Reduction

This is probably the hardest to acheive, because life happens to us all.  But, I have learned to distance myself from things that cause stress, sometimes taking a step back if needed.  I quit my job when I could see what it was doing to my blood sugar levels and while not realistic for all, reduce that stress any way you can.

Yoga is a great way to acheive peace for the hour during the practice, as well as the way that peace stays with you.

 I hate the words self care, but it works.

There are no quick fixes to good health, but I am here to tell you it can be done if you are willing to make even some small changes.

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Life Lately

First a note: there seems to be a bug going around Blogger and I am unable to upload photos from 
my mobile device (iPad) and the app I use.  It looks like it is a known issue, but I may have to figure something else out until it's fixed. So, here is a post with just one photo, just for today.

When we first moved to Florida, I couldn't have imagined how full and busy my life would become. And, there are still a few more things I want to get involved in and I'm sure more friends to be made. I love being active and there really is so much to do when the weather is nice all the time.

We are really enjoying getting together from time to time with a new friend group of local MSU alumni and fans to watch the football and basketball games. If we can't be tailgating on campus or attending games at the Breslin Center, it's the next best thing. It was our turn to have everyone over Monday night and it was a fun group and a great win. I made fajitas and a pitcher of margaritas, which we enjoyed while watching the basketball game. Here's to continued success for our Spartans and a deep run in March Madness.

I have been going to yoga on Venice beach on various mornings, but I went to the sunset class last week and it was as wonderful as it sounds. The peace that's comes with a yoga practice and the sun setting into the Gulf of Mexico in the background, is something not be be missed. Life is good in Florida.

On Tuesdays, I golf with a group of ladies in my neighborhood and it has been so much fun and a great way to really connect. It's very informal and we mix up the pairings each week, so you are always golfing with someone new. The snowbirds are back, so our group is bigger again and after golf, we always enjoy a glass of wine at the clubhouse. And, slowly, but surely, with consistent golf, my game is coming back.

It has been awhile since I used my doughnut pan for oven baked doughnuts, but I saw a recipe for Old Fashioned Sour Cream doughnuts on Pinterest and I was in the mood for a quick and simple glazed style doughnut. These are really good and by baking, you reduce the fat. I also used Truvia to reduce the sugar, but unfortunately, the powdered sugar in the glaze kind of cancels that out. So, like I always say, indulge, but practice portion control. Life is short - eat a doughnut when you want. Recipe and original pin here.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

An Active Monday






It's a lifestyle at this point. Yes, being active is good for my health, but it has become something I love. I love the way I feel and I love exploring new places.

Mondays are my yoga days, right here in my neighborhood. I only have to walk the three blocks to the clubhouse, yoga mat in hand and I'm ready to begin. We are a small, but committed group (I'm the one with the green mat) and the instructor is really good. I really feel it, in all my muscles, usually the next day. We do a lot of core work and I believe it is so important for someone my age to stay strong and flexible. I'm slowly, but surely, building up my time on planks. I also go to yoga on the beach, but that is really more about the beautiful location, than getting much benefit from the practice.

It was such a beautiful night, still warm and breezy, so I grabbed my puppy, jumped in the car and drove the short distance to the beach. We walked on a path around a small lake on one side and the gulf on the other, shimmering in the pre sunset light. So peaceful.

A good day for both body and mind.

Happy Tuesday!


Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Healthy Lifestyle




I mention my diabetes now and then, usually in the context of substituting Splenda for sugar in recipes I post. But, today I felt compelled to post an update on how living in Florida for the past six months has been such a help in my daily diabetes journey.

For those not familar, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2010 with a combination of unhealthy eating, lack of structured exercise and genetics all contributing to a diagnosis at a fairly young age (49). I also had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies, so that was a predisposition as well. The diagnosis was scary, but I am a positive person and immediately started to count carbs and walk at least six times a week. I was determined to bring my A1C down and with medication was successful, but still not where I wanted to be.

Over the last eight years, I have slowly and steadily lost around 35 pounds, which I take as proof I am doing something right. But, as a nurse told me, my pancreas is tired and the most frustrating thing about diabetes is that what worked last year, may not work this year. So, I see an endrocronologist who constantly monitors my medication and lifestyle.

Some of the things that have helped me are adjusting my walking time to as late in the day as possible to combat my tendency to dump glucose at night and limiting my carbs later in the day. This means a bigger lunch and a small dinner. Also, stress is an enemy to me and I left my last job for that reason. You can't totally get away from stress, but I have learned to limit it as much as possible and do what is necessary for my peace of mind.

Florida is the perfect place for this lifestyle. I can walk nearly every day, with no worries about the weather. The locations to walk are varied and always scenic. Since we are "retired" we can adhere to any schedule we choose, so often, we go out for a late lunch or early dinner and skip unhealthy late eating. I have rediscovered yoga with a vengeance and enjoy the calm it brings, especially the practices on the beach. And, year around golf is now part of our lifestyle too.

My last A1C was my lowest since my diagnosis, so I would say that Florida and an active healthy lifestyle here definitely agrees with me.

Happy Thursday!


Friday, August 25, 2017







Noticing: My puppy seems to have adjusted to life in Florida just fine. She doesn't seem bothered by all the changes and in fact seems to love the freedom of the lanai where she can feel like she is outside. The heat has been an issue with our walking, but I have learned to keep the walks to early morning or evening when the sun is less intense and she is fine. She had the run of the backyard at our Michigan house and loved chasing squirrels, but is not allowed in the back here at all due to alligators in the pond that is quite close. No squirrels, but she has discovered that sand cranes are fun to bark at when they walk by.

Watching: Broadchurch season 3 on BBC America. I usually catch this series on Netflix, but discovered it showing this summer and quickly caught up with on demand. This is the final season and I am enjoying it very much, especially my favorite, DI Ellie Miller. The actress who plays her is so talented and she really shines in these episodes dealing with a sexual assault.

Reading: I just started the new Sue Grafton book, Y Is For Yesterday. Welcome back Kinsey!

Feeling: Going to yoga regularly has got me feeling strong. I feel more flexible too and intend to keep it up. Life in Florida, with the older crowd, gives you a lot of incentive to keep active and it really is amazing to see those twenty five years older than me, biking, running, playing golf and tennis and living the Florida lifestyle.

Excited about: My Daughter's wedding! After we picked the venue and the church there was kind of a pause on decisions, but things are starting to happen. The bridesmaids are asked, the save the dates are ordered and in October, I will be joining Megan for a wedding dress shopping weekend. Can I keep from crying? Doubt it!

Looking forward to: A trip to Michigan this weekend! I fly out on Saturday for a visit with Melissa, my parents, my sister and my friends. I'll write all about it when I get back, but is really going to feel great to see everyone and feel like I still have one foot in Michigan, even though I am so far away.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Yoga on the Beach





One of the things I was most excited about when we chose where we wanted to live in Florida was that every morning at sunrise and every evening at sunset, our new city had a free yoga class on the beach. But, the idea of being able to wake up and head to the beach and practice yoga whenever I felt like it seemed very far away and slightly unreal, especially during all those cold winter days as we prepared to move.

Yesterday, I was up and out of the house, early for me, but excited to finally take another step toward the lifestyle I had dreamed of. When I arrived at Venice Beach, there was a yoga instructor inside a circle of seashells with about 100 people of all ages circled around her. You spread your towel or mat on the sand and could either face the instructor or face the water. The sun was warm, the surf sounds were relaxing and it really was a beautiful spot for yoga.

It wasn't the most challenging practice, but a good workout is not really the reason I will go. It's about being outside, feeling the sun on my face, the gulf breeze behind me and experiencing and being present in the fact that I am very lucky and blessed that I can start my mornings this way.

Namaste and Happy Tuesday!


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Back to My Yoga Mat

We are very close to the house officially being on the market and there are a lot of thoughts and questions swirling around in my head. As we get closer to selling, I'm feeling the immediacy of the move and wondering how all the plans will shake out. How fast will the house sell, where will we go if the sale goes through before our new house in Florida is ready (likely), all the packing required - you know, those kinds of questions.
I'm being drawn back to my yoga mat to help bring a sense of calm, in the middle of all the change. For that 30 minutes that I practice yoga, my breathing slows, my mind becomes clear and life slows down. There is soothing music and the instructor's calming voice. On gloomy days, I light a candle or two, which adds to the calm atmosphere. And, once done, the feeling lingers. The pace of my day is just a little more relaxed and my mind and body feel in tune.
Because of my diabetes, I fight mightily to avoid stress, but it's not always possible. Especially when you are in the middle of a move. Yoga for me, is the best medicine I have found.
Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Yoga in Market Square

When Megan told me that one of the things she had planned for our weekend in Pittsburgh was attending an outdoor yoga practice on Sunday morning, I couldn't have been more pleased. It has been on my bucket list for awhile to do this and while I practice a fairly gentle form of yoga, I still felt like I could keep up.
When we arrived at Market Sqaure, the sky was bright blue, without a cloud to be seen and it promised to be another hot day. But, the heat didn't keep anyone away and every available inch of the square soon filled with yoga mats.
The instructor was very good and for a novice like me, was clear in her instructions and explanations of the different yoga poses. It was a little faster in transitions than I am used to, but I was able to work up a good sweat and enjoy the sun and sky as I moved through the practice. The hour went faster than I anticipated and before I knew it we were relaxing in Shavanasa pose and I felt a real sense of accomplishment and peace.
I started yoga for the health benefits and always come away feeling flexible, strong and even somewhat younger than when I started. But, a benefit I didn't plan was being able to practice with my daughters and perhaps, that is the best of all.
Happy Wednesday!

{Linking with these friends}
French Country Cottage
A Stroll Thru Life
Savvy Southern Style
The Charm of Home
Art and Sand
Between Naps on the Porch
Cozy Little House
Eclectic Red Barn
Skip To My Lou
Rooted in Thyme
Craftberry Bush
21 Rosemary Lane
Rattlebridge Farm

Friday, April 1, 2016

Rainy Day Yoga

When a rainy day comes along and I know there will be no walking, besides the walk to the mailbox, I get my exercise and stress relief with a yoga session, right at home.
It feels amazing to light a candle or two in a room made gloomy from the rain, spread out my yoga mat and begin the gentle stretches. The voice on the DVD I use is soothing, as well as the background music. I practice yoga for three benefits - flexibility, weight bearing exercise and stress busting. These are important to everyone, but especially for a fifty year old type 2 diabetic.
Yoga does not have to be intimidating. My Yoga Over 50 DVD has a variety of practices; both short and long. The yoga instructor gives easy to understand direction and corrections and lets you know how to adjust if you are feeling pain.
You will come away calm and your body will feel in alignment, especially your back. And, a rainy day can be the perfect day for doing something positive for yourself.
Have a wonderful weekend!

{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style
Between Naps on the Porch
21 Rosemary Lane

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Morning Yoga

In these long days of winter, getting my daily walk in, is not easy. Either the temperatures are too cold to face or the roads are too icy to safely walk on. Not to mention, my favorite walking paths are covered with snow too deep to navigate and I won't see them again until the spring thaw. I still get out when I can, but it's not consistent enough.
My morning yoga sessions have been a wonderful way to keep moving and give me a great attitude the rest of the day. Usually about mid morning, I spread my new, cushiony yoga mat on my floor, light a few candles for atmosphere, if the day is gloomy and get started. I use a DVD I purchased on Amazon last year and still love it. There are choices of different yoga practices; some longer than others, so there is a variety. The instructor's voice and the music in the background are very soothing. And, holding the yoga poses is a great way to get that weight bearing exercise we all need.
For me though, it's not so much about the exercise of my body, but the release of stressful thoughts. You may start a yoga routine tense, but usually by the end, you are thinking of nothing but your breathing and the act of doing the pose correctly and fluidly. It really is the best thing for mind, body and spirit.
Happy Thursday!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Practicing Yoga





My morning routine has changed significantly in the last few weeks. After writing the day's blog post over my morning coffee, I am now getting my body and my spirit moving with a yoga routine. In the past I have gone to yoga classes, but only found one I was really comfortable with, (taught by a friend) so I stopped going. But, I missed it. Yoga gives your body an entirely different workout than walking and the stretching and weight bearing poses are what I need to stay flexible, strong and balanced.

So, I purchased a DVD (Yoga Over 50) that I could use at home, got out my dusty yoga mat and found a new love. It is very calming and the stretching utilizes muscles I haven't moved in a long time. This DVD moves at a slower pace and explains each movement with really nice detail and flow. My goal is to work up to being so comfortable with the poses, that I can go to a class again and feel like I can keep up.




As a diabetic, stress is my enemy and I fight hard to remain as stress free as possible. With yoga in the morning and a daily walk in the afternoon I will have a healthy balance in my life - taking away stressful thoughts and keeping my days as calm as possible.

Have a great weekend!


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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