Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Making Me Smile

In the past few weeks since being home 24/7, I have purchased a few things for delivery that have made me smile.  And, I fight for smiles these days.  There is nothing big, that will break the bank, but things that make the day to day a little more pleasant.

Because I spend a good part of my day in my bathing suit and it’s heating up here, I ordered a light, sleeveless coverup to use if I need to go outside in the front, where its a little more public than on my lanai. I have a few others, but they have long sleeves and are not comfortable this time of year.

One of my weaknesses is pretty dishes and these bunny plates from Pottery Barn were on sale and speaking my name.  I have been using them for my morning toast the past week and they definitely make me smile as Easter approaches.  I also will use them for dessert at our Easter dinner for two.

Thinking ahead to the hair situation that all of us are going to be experiencing soon, I ordered a fun headband to give me some help when the highlights start disappearing.  Or, just a change of look, because I am getting a little bored with all the repeat casual clothes every day.

Finally, a couple tropical candles are the perfect stay at home accessory.  Dinner, a cocktail and a
candle burning have become the perfect end to these stay at home days.

Happy Monday and stay home and stay safe.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Aldi Wine Advent Calendar (The Story)

Last week, I did something so unlike me.  I’m not a trendy shopper and waiting in line to spend my money seems kind of crazy to me.  But, ever since last year, when I saw bloggers and Instagram friends enjoying their single serving bottles of wine each night during advent, I was determined to not be left out of the fun this holiday season.

For some reason, the Aldi Wine Advent Calendar is the one people go crazy for, even though other places like Costco have their own version now.  From word of mouth, I knew I needed to get to the store early and wait in line, because they sell out quickly.  I didn’t know what to expect, so I got there at 8:00 for a 9:00 store opening.  Conveniently, Starbucks in right next door, so I grabbed my coffee and pulled up to find only two people in line at Aldi.

More shoppers began to arrive and I got in line with about ten people in front of me. Of course, since I live in Florida, standing outside is no problem.  I was very impressed with how organized it was.  An employee gave us a flyer (maximum two per person) while in line and 15 minutes before opening the wine calendar shoppers (about 40 at that point) could enter early, trade our flyers for boxes and quickly check out.  I was on my way back home before 9:00.

I was able to purchase one for me and one for my daughter, Megan, who lives in Pittsburgh.  Her local Aldi does not sell wine (Pennsylvania law) and  she is driving here for Thanksgiving, so no shipping required.  We will be opening and drinking our wine together, long distance.

There are several different varieties of wine (red, white, rose and blends) and each bottle is pulled
separately from a numbered opening, so each one is a surprise.

I can’t wait until December 1st!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

This and That




The photos are starting to come in from our photographer and I couldn't love this one more. It just captures all the emotion of being a mother of the bride and making sure your daughter looks just right on her wedding day. This will be going in a frame.



A little hot and sweaty at the end of our round, but we had a fun morning on the golf course for my husband's birthday. Golf in Florida this time of year is an adventure and you learn to get your round in early in the day to beat both the heat and the inevitable late afternoon thunderstorms. We had a nice lunch in the clubhouse grill, followed by ice cream from an orange grove farm stand nearby. Low key, but that's how he likes it.


I forgot to take a photo, but last night I helped to start a Bunco group in my neighborhood. A little different from my old group, because we play in our clubhouse and different people may sign up each month, but it's a great way to meet people. I had to teach the group how to play during the first few rounds, but since I've been playing for about 25 years between 2 different groups in two different states, I know all the ins and outs.


Watched on Netflix over the summer:



Marcella season two is a show I had a love/hate relationship while watching. It's a great British police show (my favorite) and the acting is amazing, but it's oh so dark and twisty. The finale lost me for a while, but they reeled me back in at the end and I want to watch season 3.



There is a new season of The Great British Baking Show on Netflix, even though an older season was just shown on PBS. Confused? Me too! But, the Netflix season is the newest version from the UK and the new judge and hosts are not bad. It seems like a softer version of Paul and I don't mind the new judge, Pru. The new hosts are a strange choice and do not seem to go together personality wise, but they grew on me as the season went along. Still the same amazing bakes and sweet, quirky contestants.



The last book in the Shetland series was available on Amazon this month and I read it with both enjoyment and sadness. I think this police series is one of my all time favorites and I knew while I was reading it, I would be saying goodbye to the characters at the end. Luckily, there is still the television series to look forward to and I hope it continues for some time. I'm not ready to leave DI Jimmy Perez and the beautiful Shetland Islands.



I did buy one thing from the Lilly sale, but I waited until the last day to avoid the madness of waiting in a virtual line. I didn't want anything specific, so while a lot of items had limited sizes in stock at that point, there were still plenty of choices. Also, I used a gift certificate, so it was practically free :-)

Happy Thursday! When you read this, I will be packing and getting ready to leave for the airport and a quick trip to Michigan for a good friend's son's wedding. I'll be seeing a lot of other friends too, so it will be a great time. I also get to see my daughter, Melissa, albeit briefly, but I'll take what I can get.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Fashion Friday - Finds for Florida



My wardrobe right now consists of one half winter clothes like wool skirts, boots and dark colors. I am positive that will change one I get used to living in Florida. I will end up keeping a few things for when we travel back to Michigan in the winter for the holidays, but the majority of my closet will change to sundresses, sandals and bright, fun colors. The goal will be to be as cool as possible on those hot, muggy days and I love throwing on a sundress and some cute sandals or flip flops. To me, it's comfortable and and easy to put together a polished look. I think that the Lilly Pulitizer store will become my favorite spot.

Here are some Florida finds I have been saving to my favorites list.


Barbara Gerwit


Barbara Gerwit




Tory Burch - Nordstrom


Lilly Pulitzer


Lilly Pulitizer


Cover Up - Modcloth


J Crew


Lilly Pulitizer


Kendra Scott - Nordstrom


Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, February 19, 2016

Fashion Friday



Spring does seem to be on my mind this week. It's usually at this point in the year that I start to get bored with the dark colors of winter and begin to crave the bright, happy colors of spring. I start to look forward to the Florida sunshine, Easter and warmer days where a sweater or a light jacket will sufice. I have been browsing some online clothing sites and bookmarking a few pretty things that have caught my eye. I don't need much, but a little updating of some basic, fun pieces may be happening soon.

Some new white jeans are a staple that my spring wardrobe could really use. Being healthy and losing weight is great, but it does mean that some old favorites will need to be replaced. I love to pair white jeans with sweaters or tops in bright bold colors. Casual, comfortable tops that can be worn with leggings are just my style too. Add in a cute pair of flats and I'm good to go. It's a classic style, but it definately suits my life as it is now.


Land's End


Land's End


Land's End


Land's End


Lily Pulitzer







Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Farmer's Market Dinner





My city's farmer's market is usually held on Saturdays and it can get quite busy and crowded. It is fun to go, because there is music and a lot of activity, but it can be a little hectic, rather than relaxing. I was excited to see that the farmer's market was now open on Tuesday afternoons as well and was happy to see it was busy, but much less so than on Saturdays.




The colorful and fresh veggies are always such a pretty sight and I love walking around and deciding what to bring home. These farmers have their marketing skills on display, with pretty tablecloths on their tables and the veggies portioned in cute baskets.



The farmer's market also had in season fruit - cherries, blueberries and some early peaches. To tempt even further, there was cheese, baked goods ( I bought some yummy whole grain bread) and fresh honey.

Fresh produce always brings back memories of the big garden my parents used to have and the dinners filled with vegetables cooked simply, but so delicious. Last night I cooked a meatless dinner from the veggies I purchased and it was the best meal I have had in a while. There is definitely a difference between the farmer's market veggies and those from the grocery store.

I made yellow squash, sautéed in a little olive oil and onions and green beans with baby redskin potatoes, boiled with a bit of butter and turkey bacon - just like my mother used to do it, but with a healthier twist; less butter, salt and turkey bacon instead of the real kind. Still fresh tasting and oh so delicious.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style


Monday, July 20, 2015

The Sweet Parts




The summer is humming right along and the weekends come and go so fast. This weekend I made a point of savoring the things that made me happy along the way.

First, Melissa and I spent hours at the mall on Saturday. Normally that would not be my first choice for a summer activity, but we made an afternoon of it, with lunch at Nordstom Cafe ( one of my favorites) and a search for the perfect business appropriate cocktail dress; red, white or black. We went in store after store and wouldn't you know it, ended up back where we started, with the perfect little black dress. And, a bonus was the even further discounted sale price when we went to the counter to pay. Melissa is fun to shop with and it was a great spending the day with her.

Sunday afternoon was spent at our club's pool, relaxing and beating the heat by taking a dip every now and then. I couldn't be bothered to read my book and really just spent my time looking at the sky and clouds and not thinking about much at all.

Sunday night is my favorite night of television in the summer and there are two shows on PBS that I am trying not to miss. Last Tango in Halifax was extremely emotional, poignant and I was happy I was able to avoid the spoilers since the series has already been shown on the BBC. But, my real favorite and a show I highly recommend to anyone who loves a BBC period drama, is Poldark. The class struggles give an interesting 18th century slice of life and the romance between Ross and Demelza is wonderfully written. And, every week, I am enthralled by the beauty of Cornwall with its beaches, cliffs and fields of wildflowers.

Happy Monday!



Friday, June 12, 2015

Fashion Friday Edition {Skirts for Summer}



I have been playing golf for a long time and that naturally leads to spending time at country clubs. There is an ease of style that has evolved in my summertime dressing and most days you will find me in a golf skirt whether I am golfing or not. There are so many wonderful and fun golf skirts that elevate my style from a pair of shorts and the best part is that I can dress them up or down with a change of shoes or style of top. You can always count on the length to be appropriate too. There are prints, a wide range of solid colors and all types of fabrics to be found. My favorite look is a plaid or paisley skirt with a sweater set in a bright solid color; the sweater tied around my shoulders if the weather is warm and a cute pair of sandals.

Here are some of my favorites, I have my eye on this summer. I have found a great place to find these skirts, besides your favorite golf shop, is your local Dick's Sporting Goods and their woman's golf department.








The pink seersucker is calling my name, as well as the blue paisley. It's a casual, effortless and timeless way to dress.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Prettiness




Spring is in the air finally and it is especially noticeable when you are walking through the stores. I was out shopping yesterday and loved seeing all the spring prettiness; especially when I was at Kirkland's. The colors were bright, there were flowers and greenery galore and seeing it all, put me in the best mood.



Easter decorations were whimsical and fun with an abundance of bunnies and carrots on display. Texture was the order of the day, with both burlap and wicker on many items.



There were colorful pillows stacked here and there, perfect to brighten any patio chair.



And, my heart always beats a little faster when I see the pretty garden and patio decor.

Spring arrives officially, within a week or so, but if you take a walk through any home store, you will be hit by spring prettiness, tempting you to add some color and seasonal decor to your home.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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