Monday, September 2, 2024

Starting September


The funny thing about living in Florida, especially being from the midwest is that September does not mean anything changes weather wise.  In fact it can be even hotter and hurricanes are more likely.  So for us, seeing the fall season through the experiences of those up north are as close as we get.  I did buy some cider at Publix though - and will drink it poolside.

September is the start of football season and it is always a good fall Saturday when Michigan State wins. Also, anyone who is a Detroit Lions fan is extremely excited for this season, which starts Sunday.  This is their year for a super bowl win and we will be cheering them on from Florida.  And then, to everyone’s surprise the Detroit Tigers are in contention for a wild card playoff spot.  I will be watching and hoping all of September.

I found a delicious recipe for peach cobbler and will share here.  There is something with the start of fall that makes me want to bake something.

Finally, we have received the official wedding photographs from the photographer and all I can say is wow.  I will write a final wedding post soon, but wanted to share a few of my favorites.  I can’t get over the church, the venue and the beautiful couple.


  1. Beautiful wedding photos! And that peach cobbler looks delicious. I'm making some photo greeting cards to get ready for a holiday market next month. Today I put together a lot of cards with fall photos that I took when we were up in Vermont in 2019. It was a great trip!

    1. We are planning a trip to MI in mid October - the leaves should be beautiful!

  2. So exciting when those official photos come in. Looks like a beautiful wedding! We're excited for college football especially and the Vols looked so good on Saturday. The new QB gives us hope. We were swimming in the lake this weekend and it's still so warm. Hope those hurricanes give you a miss this season!

    1. Yes to no big hurricanes! The wedding photos are so fun to look at and relive the day. Good luck to your volvs - MSU is in a rebuilding year with a young QB - will be a wild ride.

  3. The wedding photos are just beautiful! We definitely have a nip in the air here this morning and it's very, very welcome after the heat of the past months. Dennis and I came camping yesterday as the Labor Day weekend crowd left. It's very quiet here with just a few retirees in the campground. We're loving it.

    1. Quiet mornings with a little nip in the air sounds lovely!


  4. Beautiful wedding!!

  5. You are so right about September in a semi-tropical location. We are having a "cool front" this week in Houston, with highs only at 89! The wedding pictures are so beautiful!

    1. I love living in FL, but do get a little wistful in the fall!

  6. Beautiful wedding pics..thanks for sharing..
    We are finally having some cooler temps..maybe no more 90's..
    Peach cobbler is the best..
    Fall and football..nothing better..

  7. praying for all that will be affected by Hurricane Milton. I hope you are safe.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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