Thursday, May 9, 2024

Zoo Day and Picnic


There are many fun things I did with my daughters when they were young, but have not done in a very long time. Two of my favorites and theirs were going to the zoo and going to the park for a picnic.  When I was in Michigan, my daughter and I loaded Audrey in her stroller and did both.

We spent a lovely afternoon at the zoo in Grand Rapids.  Audrey loves her stroller and while a little young for the animals, loved the sunshine, people and bright colors of the Lantern Festival.  It is a small, manageable sized zoo and I look forward to many more visits.

Before my flight home and because it was a beautiful day, we picked up lunch and found a picnic table at a park for a quick lunch.  We then pushed the stroller on some pretty paths and I especially enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air before a long travel day.  

Being a grandparent lets you relive the best times of motherhood and I am blessed and happy to experience every moment.

Happy Thursday!

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