Monday, November 20, 2023

Lead up to Thanksgiving


We have been having fun in Michigan during the lead up to Thanksgiving.  Today, we will be traveling again to see Audrey who just turned one month old.  Nana and Pops will be reporting for duty (plus cooking Thanksgiving dinner too)

So far, we had a fun night in with pizza and basketball with Melissa and her fiancĂ©, attended a good friend’s daughter’s wedding and made it to East Lansing for more MSU basketball fun.  It was a beautiful late fall day, bringing back memories of being on campus when the trees were colorful and the air was crisp and clear.  It will always be one of my favorite times and my favorite place.

Our Thanksgiving is all planned with a spreadsheet of who is making or bringing what.  Melissa and her fiancĂ© will travel from the east side of the state to the west side and our family will have a few days all together.  With the new baby.  Can you tell I am excited?

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving..Enjoy your family time..

  2. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and memorable family time!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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