Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Welcome to the World Audrey Christine


Our first grandchild, Audrey Christine was born in Michigan on October 15th.  She is a petite little one and so, so sweet.

It has been just over a week since her birth and we are back in Florida, but I remain thankful that we were able to share in the joy of her arrival.  I will never forget my first look at her when I walked into the hospital room.  Just hours old, but perfect and so pretty sleeping in her bassinet.  Definitely love at first sight.

During the week, I did a lot of cooking in between holding her whenever I could.  It was hard to leave, but we go back in a month and then again at Christmas, so a lot of cuddles to look forward to.  The last night we were there, our little family of six had dinner together and celebrated the addition of the newest tiny member, making us officially a family of seven.  


  1. Isn't the love for a grandchild overwhelming and impossible to explain? Maybe it's something about your baby having a baby? I don't know, but the love I feel for our four grandbabies is a crazy love that overlooks anything. Things their parents would have been scolded for is now "cute". lol Welcome to the club Grandma!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Congratulations! It's just the best, and watching your own daughter mother her daughter is something truly special. Enjoy all the snuggles and time with her. Somehow the clock moves twice as fast as it did with our own.

  3. Congratulations! That picture is so sweet!

  4. Awww, congratulations! Love the name!

  5. Congratulations! Wonderful news xx

  6. How exciting!! You are correct about the instantly falling in love! I've experienced it twice now and it is pretty amazing to see and hold the grandchild for the first time!

    1. A day I will never forget and so much to look forward to!

  7. Congratulations!! There is always something a little more special about the first..Glad everyone is OK..Pretty name..

  8. Grandchildren are the best gift you will ever get ❤️


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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