Monday, October 30, 2023

Halloween Martini - Salted Caramel Apple Martini


It wouldn’t be adult Halloween for me, without a festive cocktail to sip on while handing out candy.  I will list the links to some of the fun drinks I have made in past years, but this year I have hit on a good one.

It is a Salted Caramel Apple Martini and it is delicious.  All the flavors are represented in each sip with sweetness, saltiness and especially the sour apple flavor.  It was easy to make and luckily I had everything in my liquor stash.  I think it looks especially pretty in a retro coupe martini glass too.  

Happy Halloween and enjoy!

To make one drink:

Put caramel sauce on a plate and roll rim of martini glass until edge is covered. In another plate, add sea salt and dip glass with caramel rim until covered with the salt.

To a martini shaker add ice, 2 ounces lemon vodka, 2 ounces Apple Pucker liquor and a squeeze of a lemon. Shake and pour in prepared glass.

Halloween Cocktails through the years:

All The Boos 2021

Red Wine Ice Cream Float 2020

Pumpkin Spice White Russian 2018

Apple Cider and Buttershot Cocktail 2013


  1. Long ago I had a neighbor that I used to hand out candy with..We always had to have some wine along with the process..They were the good old days..Have fun!!!

    1. I used to give Bailys shots to the dads - those were the days when we knew all the neighborhood families and had hundreds of trick or treaters.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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