Saturday, June 17, 2023

Chocolate Topped Frozen Yogurt Cup (Tik Tok Recipe #3)


This is the perfect summer snack and it is so easy, In fact, I hesitate to actually call it a recipe.  The Tik Tok buzz found me intrigued again and I had to try this simple method to jazz up a yogurt cup.

I have been looking for ways to add protein to my diet, not being a fan of protein powder, so when the cottage cheese pancakes I tried were a fail, adding a bit of chocolate to the yogurt always stocked in my fridge seemed too delicious not to try.

Here is what you do and there are a few variations.

Take a container of yogurt, any flavor and pour 2 -3 T of melted good quality dark chocolate (melt in glass measuring cup in microwave for 1 minute) over the top.  Sprinkle with chopped nuts, cover with foil and freeze until chocolate is hard.  Use a spoon to break the hard shell of the chocolate and enjoy!

I used key lime yogurt, but for other flavors you can stir in 1 T of peanut butter to the yogurt before adding the chocolate.  Toppings could be any kind of nut, frozen raspberries or even small candies like m&m’s.  

My version with key lime yogurt took me right back to Key West and the chocolate covered key lime pie on a stick that I enjoyed when there.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Looks yummy...Chocolate covered anything is good!! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Well, that looks yummy! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!


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