Saturday, May 20, 2023

A Week in Photos


I just love this time of year in my little corner of Florida.  The majority of the snowbirds are gone and tourist season slows way down.  You begin to feel like where you live is the best kept secret around.  There is room to experience all that southwest Florida offers and the reason so many visit for their precious vacation time.  I never take it for granted.

The photos show a week filled with breakfast, lunch and dinner out; a goodbye dinner at a greek diner, a high tea in downtown Venice and breakfast with a water view.

There were also a few walks with beach views, a visit to Clearwater Beach on Mother’s Day and a morning at the Venice Farmer’s Market for fresh vegetables.  Also, I replanted a few pots on my lanai; always a favorite thing to do.

A busy, but good week.

Happy weekend!


  1. I'm glad you had a good week. It sounds as if it was a busy one. We've been so, so busy here. We looked at a condo 3 weeks ago today, closed six days later and were completely moved in by a week ago Wednesday. We're so glad to be settled into our "forever" home, although we do still plan to travel in our RV. The condo will make it much easier to travel without yard work or snow removal to do.
    Enjoy the time without many tourists!

  2. Wow, quick move, but it’s good feeling to be settled I am sure.

  3. Nice scenery..good food..pretty flowers..What more could one ask for??? Time to regroup..Enjoy your summer.

  4. Enjoy Frenchy’s also. However, my fav in Clearwater is Palm Pavilion. I live few miles up the coast from there. Fifteen minutes or so.

  5. Anonymous oops is Brenda


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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