Thursday, March 23, 2023

March So Far


March is going by very fast with visits from my daughters as highlights, but also a lot of day to day busyness. This weeks given me a bit of down time and I even snuck in a walk on the beach.  It is so wonderful to have Red Tide gone for now and the weather is picture perfect. The beach was very busy with spring breakers enjoying the sunshine, blue skies and turquoise water. Venice Beach is usually not a tourist hot spot, like Siesta Key, but the parking lot was full and I needed to park a block away.  The locals like me prefer things a bit quieter, but in a few weeks, it will be back to normal and quick in and out visits to the beach will be available again.  

The spring holidays are always fun and we went out to dinner for St. Patricks Day with some friends.  It was one of our favorite seafood restaurants, but to get in the holiday spirit, Shepard’s Pie and Corned Beef and Cabbage were on the menu.  I think I spotted green beer being served too, but I enjoyed a cucumber and mint martini that was also green.  Easter is so close as well, and we have plans to drive to my mother in law’s home just north of us and go out rather than cook.  I’m happy to keep it simple since it is just the three of us.

And, speaking of green, we are so excited for our Michigan State Spartans and their trip to the March Madness Sweet Sixteen.  They play Kansas State tonight in NYC and we will be gathering with about 25 other MSU friends to cheer them on.  It worked on Sunday and I think the good luck charm was the delicious chocolate Sparty cake my friend made.  We will be in the same location at a friend’s clubhouse and I plan to sit in the exact same seat, so I don’t disturb the mojo lol.  

Happy Thursday and Go Green!


  1. It sounds like you're having a grand time this month. How did your team do tonight. Gonzaga was also playing in the Sweet Sixteen so we have to root for them. I heard they were behind at halftime and hope they are doing better now in the second half.

    1. MSU lost in overtime - still a great season. I know Gonzaga won because I have them going far in my bracket!

  2. Looks as though you had a great St Patricks day...Hope you have a Happy Easter as well..March madness has been crazy this year...Enjoy your weekend...

    1. Overtime last night was brutal lol. Nothing like March Madness!

  3. My oldest son is going off to college, and was down to MSU or one other - he chose the other after much deliberation but we loved Michigan State! Beautiful campus and everyone was so nice!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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