Sunday, August 21, 2022

Endless Summer in Photos


I have been feeling summer starting to slip away and while here in Florida that doesn’t mean cooler weather, it does mean snowbird and tourist season is coming.  It makes me want to do all the things before the crowds return, so I have been out and about; around my little beach town, just soaking it all in. I’m sharing what endless summer looks like in Southwest Florida.  Blue sky days.



  1. I can’t wait for this summer to go away… hot and nary an inch of rain. Everything has burned up. Including me!

  2. That was me above 👆🏻. So mad at blogger

    1. Yes, the heat can go anytime! September is the worst though still hot when you want it to cool and oh no hurricanes are coming I am sure. It’s been too quiet 🫣

  3. I am done with summer. Can’t wait until it’s over. We need rain very badly and I’m very sick of the heat. Love your pictures. Have a good week.

    1. Rain is something we get enough of in FL this time of year. But, I agree about the heat!

  4. I feel the same. I feel it in the air. I also feel that I didn't really have a summer -- too cool while everyone else in the world was hot. Too much company. Too many injuries. No break. I'm ready for summer to start... maybe I should move to Australia...

    1. Maybe there will be an Indian Summer for MI? Hoping for pretty days and cool sweatshirt nights on our upcoming up north trip in October.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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