Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter Weekend in Photos


It was a lovely, Florida style Easter weekend with a lot of time spent outside in the sunshine.  We had our annual Good Friday with friends, attending Stations of the Cross first, followed by visits to a few outdoor bars. There was a lot of Easter prep on Saturday getting ready for dinner.  Even Easter mass was held on an outdoor patio on a beautiful morning and it was a nice early start to the day.  My mother in law came for dinner and because of all the prep Saturday, it came together nicely and I was happy with my traditional menu including a few twists from new recipes.  The Strawberry Shortcake Trifle I made for dessert was delicious.  After dinner we took a drive to the beach and had a cocktail at Sharky’s with a beautiful view of the Gulf.

I hope you had a sunshiny Easter too!


  1. It sounds like a lovely Easter weekend. I'm glad you had time with family and friends. The weather there sounds SO much nicer than here. Even today it's snow/raining outside. Blah. We're ready for spring.

  2. Looks like you had a beautiful day!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Easter weekend! Oh that trifle looks delicious! I am going to make that SOON! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Trifle is super simple and I just did 2 layers so it wasn’t so big since I only had 3 for dinner.

  4. What a beautiful sunny Easter you had ♥


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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