Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spring Flowers in Florida


Yes, there are flowers all year around, but this time of year is the sweet spot.  The warmth starts to hit again and everything that might have been a bit dormant begins to give me beautiful blooms.  There is no wilting from too much heat and it all looks so tropical and beautiful.  

It’s a different kind of gardening than in the north and it took me a few years to learn and adapt.  I have learned that drought tolerant plants and Florida natives are the way to go. Plants that would only be indoor plants in Michigan, thrive in the outdoor heat and humidity.  Anything I plant must love full sun and even with that, I am sometimes watering every day.  It’s been a lot of trial and error, but that is the fun of gardening. There is always a new flower or plant to try.

Pictured plants from top to bottom are:



Mexican Petunia

Flax Lily

Oyster Plant

Crown of Thorns




Areca Palm


Asparagus Fern

Variegated Snake Plant

Persian Shield

Happy Gardening no matter the variety and whatever planting zone you live in!



  1. Oh, they're beautiful! As you might guess, the only plants like that we're seeing are at Horrock's! Certainly not outside. Love it!

    1. I thought this might be a bit of inspiration to my Michigan friends!

  2. So pretty. I think we're much like your Michigan friends. We have nothing growing yet, although I did see a hint of green in the brown lawn on Monday. :-) Yay!

    1. I never planted before Memorial weekend. Such a short flower season!

  3. Love the plants and the view of the pool is beautiful too!

    1. Thanks! I do love having flower pots around the pool area.

  4. Beautiful! Enjoy your gorgeous day! HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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