Saturday, September 25, 2021

Apple Brownies - Recipe Redo


Fall in Florida is not quite here yet, though we are told there may be less humidity next week.  But, the calendar says Fall and to me, that means baking something with apples.  This recipe is a good one and first appeared on my blog in 2018.  It has the plentiful, chunky apples like I love in an apple recipe and because you coat the apples in cinnamon and sugar, the flavors are perfect.

To change things up a bit, I decided to add a sour cream glaze that cuts the sweetness just a bit.  A cream cheese frosting would also be delicious.  Either way, just spread the glaze or frosting on top when out of the oven and completely cool.  I stored these in the fridge.  

Enjoy and Happy Fall!

Sour Cream Glaze

1/2 cup Sour Cream

1 cup powdered sugar (add a bit more if you like a thicker glaze)

Mix together well and let thicken in refrigerator until ready to use.  


  1. That looks tasty! A friend and I were just yesterday talking about apple recipes --I'll have to send this one on to her!

  2. They look yummy. I’m with Vicki. Apples over pumpkin. They look very moist. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day


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