Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Wedding Celebration in Michigan


This is the summer of delayed wedding celebrations and there is something about the wait that makes everything a little more special.  Already married, but given that extra dose of love by friends and family who couldn’t lend that support last year.

My sister planned a beautiful event in her back yard amidst a rainy week in Michigan with flooded streets and an actual tornado warning that could not keep us from having a great time.  I was especially happy to see my family that I have not seen in person since Christmas 2019.  

The day started with a golf outing for the guys, a bridal brunch for the bridesmaids and me helping my sister pull everything together. She wanted to do a lot herself and while a lot of work, it was done with love and that shined through every detail.  Luckily she planned a huge tent with a lot of room for the guests to be comfortable when it rained and when all the phones started going off with tornado warning alerts, we simply paused to take cover and then pick up where we left off when the all clear siren was heard.  Definitely memorable for all and par for the course in a Michigan summer.

My nephew and his beautiful bride are truly married now with all our best wishes and their Michigan and Massachusetts love story continues.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I'm so glad that you were able to be part of the celebration but sorry about the weather. I guess it's just something you get used to in the midwest!
    Congratulations to the happy couple.

    1. Yes, tornado watches are warnings are just part of living in the midwest. Are you getting used to that again?

  2. Beautiful couple! I know you loved being with family! It looks like your Sister made sure that everyone had a good time, even with the weather threat. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. It was nice to finally see extended family like my brother and sister in law!

  3. This looks lovely! My PT was telling me about going to a wedding in Charlotte that weekend and dealing with the same tornado issues and such. But all well in the end. It sounds like a really wonderful time for you to see friends, family and Michigan again. Perfection!

    1. Yes, I think when you grow up in Michigan you tend to not panic until the tornado is right over your head lol


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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