Friday, March 5, 2021

Last Night’s Book Club


The way my book club works is that if you suggest a book, you also volunteer to lead the discussion.  That is no hardship for a book nerd like me, because  I enjoy coming up with questions that are interesting and will move the discussion.  I am drawn to books that will bring personal experiences out and that the members of the book group can relate to or even maybe empathize with the characters.

This book, about of group of ladies facing that next stage in life after widowhood or divorce (similar in age to my book group) and having the courage to move forward by agreeing to live together in Tuscany for a year.  It seemed perfect for a group like us, who had all recently made a move to Florida from another state.  We started the discussion talking about where we came from and what gave us the courage to make such a big change.

Women In Sunlight, by Frances Mayes is a novel, but in a similar style to Under The Tuscan Sun, her more famous memoir.   She fills her books with rich descriptions of food, travel, home improvement and gardening that immerse you in the place, in this case Tuscany.  This is a story of new friendships, having the courage to change and living a different life than you ever imagined.  

Under The Tuscan Sun, is one of my favorite books and while Women In Sunlight, proves that the author is more accomplished at writing non fiction, it is still an enjoyable read and a way to visit Tuscany right from your favorite reading spot.

Happy Reading!


  1. This looks like it would be a good conversation starter. Which is the whole point of book club! (I mean, we'll read no matter what -- but the conversation is the fun part!)

    1. I agree. I enjoy a more literary discussion, but many do not and it really limits who will speak up. This started a good discussion.

  2. Sounds good! I will add that one to my list. I seem to be reading a lot of books about women lately and they've been so good! Have you read The Four Winds yet? It's real good!

    1. It’s on my reading list. I find her books hit or miss, but The Great Alone is one of my favorites, so hoping that one is good.

  3. This sounds right up my alley! Thanks for the tip. Enjoy your weekend, Vicki.

  4. Thanks for the suggestion! Will add this to my read list. I really enjoyed Under the Tuscan Sun.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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