Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Girl Time


If you have adult daughters, I think you will understand what I am about to say next - I adore when one of my daughters comes to visit on her own.  

I love both my son in law and Melissa’s boyfriend and enjoy their company very much.  But, there is something special about mother and daughter time when we talk about everything going on in their lives and easily fall back into the rhythms of conversation that began so long ago when they were teenage girls and they needed Mom’s advise.

Melissa came for a spur of the moment visit, taking advantage of her possibly last stretch of working from home.  Here in Florida, she can set up her laptop and phone next to the pool and enjoy glorious sunshine while typing away. I still did my usual routine during the day, but we were able to spend quality time together at night.  It is always so fun to have either one of my daughters here and whether we go out to a fun spot or stay in and drink wine on the lanai, it doesn’t really matter.  Being together is the point.

And, the best part is that there is more girl time to come.  We are all booked for a mother daughter trip to Key West on Mother’s Day Weekend.  Both girls, sunshine, sunsets and the fun ambience of Key West is definitely something special to look forward to.


  1. That Mother's Day trip is definitely something to look forward to! I'm glad you got some quality time with your girl. :)

    1. One year delayed, but will enjoy it even more because of having to go through the past year!

  2. I'm so glad you got some girl time. I'm looking forward to living closer to Mandy soon. I've missed her. FaceTime, Messages, Texts and calls are nice but not quite the same.

  3. You are right! Girl time with our daughter is a gift when it happens!! You live in a beautiful place -- I actually googled "how long would it take to drive from Birmingham, AL to Venice, FL" -- almost 9 hours. In January and February I always feel like I need a dose of sunshine and I would guess that y'all have plenty even then.

    1. It is so beautiful and really still fairly quiet (well not the next few weeks) but overall not too touristy.

  4. I totally get it. Enjoy Key of our favorite spots anytime!

    1. My favorite too. We are not driving and taking the Key West Express from Ft. Myers this time, so looking forward to seeing how that works out.

  5. Nice! Glad you had a lovely time. My daughter is still living at home but I am sure once she has flown the nest I'll be as excited and happy as you to host her for a few days. I don't have that kind or relationship with my own mother, which is sad.

    1. Mother daughter relationships can be complicated. Enjoy your sweet daughter at home for as long as you can!

  6. It sounds like wonderful time together. You are blessed to have those wonderful girls. Enjoy!

  7. Oh I LOVE spending time with my Daughter too! It is perfect that your Daughter was able to come and visit. Your Mother's Day weekend sounds wonderful! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Hope you were able to vacation with your daughter and family this year! Florida awaits 😀

  8. So true and rare enough to truly be appreciated!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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