Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Strawberry Baked Oatmeal


It’s the start strawberry season in Florida.  It will forever be strange to me that strawberry season happens in Florida during the winter months, because June is strawberry season in Michigan.  There are Florida strawberries at great prices at the grocery stores, as well as farm fresh quarts at the Farmer’s Market.  Of course we all eat strawberries year around now, but there is nothing better than fresh, local fruit in season.

I made this delicious baked oatmeal with some of the Farmer’s Market strawberries I bought and it was full of flavor.  Making baked oatmeal of any variety is a favorite of mine because it’s quick and easy to put together as well as refrigerating well for multiple days of a delicious breakfast.  Just pop a piece in the microwave and it tastes like it is just out of the oven.

The recipe can be found here and also, by entering “baked oatmeal” in my search box, you will find many other baked oatmeal recipes in many flavors.



  1. Oh, a bit of envy! As you know, we won't be seeing this for months!

    1. Yes, my birthday is in June, so always some sort of strawberry cake!

  2. That looks delicious! I am needing a beach trip and fresh strawberries would be wonderful. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Wonderful and I can just imagine the smell of it baking.
    I remember when we moved our daughter to Portland, OR in February and there were flowers blooming everywhere. I couldn't believe it.

    1. It is different and strange from what you have always known!

  4. I wish it was strawberry season here! Not for a long while yet but in the meantime, we have dried strawberries that are really full of flavour.

  5. That looks delicious! And I love every ingredient in that recipe!

  6. Oh ymmm, Vicki. I wish I had some of that with my tea. Have a wonderful week.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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