Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thanksgiving Thoughts and 3 Recipes


Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.  The dinner is one of the easiest to host and cook, with the menu pretty much set. You can do a lot in advance, so that makes my organized mind happy.  It’s an adaptable meal for a small group or a big crowd and I tend to cook large amounts anyway, because we love leftovers.

I do get a little annoyed when a holiday that is all about the simple pleasure of being at home with your family and that has very little commercialization involved, gets skipped over in the rush to get to Christmas.  If I had a wish in this unsettling time that we are in, I would hope that this scaled down holiday for some will give families a chance to make some new memories. I always say to my girls that different does not have to be bad.  Relax and enjoy a quiet holiday before the hustle and bustle that is Christmas begins.

I made this tray to take to a dinner party and I wanted to share the three recipes I included.  Not quite a charcuterie board, but a pretty presentation with a variety of easy delicious finger food.

1. Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus 

2.  Mini Italian Skewers 

3.  Bruschetta with Garlic Herb Spread



  1. Thank you for the recipes! We will enjoy lunch at my Daughter's house for Thanksgiving. Times are different but we are making new memories as a smaller group. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I agree with all of your thoughts!
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Let’s drink it in!

  3. I agree -- it's why I can't make myself decorate till the day after. We have to respect the bird!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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