Friday, May 15, 2020

May So Far - In Photos

Now that we have a bit of freedom to enjoy life in Florida again, May seems to be moving along much faster than life in quarantine.  We have made up for lost time on the beach and have even gone out to dinner once using all the social distancing guidelines that are in place. We live in an oasis of calm, without a lot of tourists and I felt totally comfortable.  It was so exciting to order a cocktail and have it served to me.

I have been planting all kinds things in my neighborhood, for my HOA Landscape Chair position and I love having a huge space to be creative.  It was fun to go to the plant nursery and design the clubhouse flower bed.

Mother’s Day was without my daughters, but they sent beautiful tulips, we face timed (via Pittsburgh and metro Detroit) and my hubby picked up our favorite steak salad, seafood bisque (with a shot of sherry on the side) and key lime pie.

We took coffee and doughnuts to the beach one morning and spent quiet evenings marveling at the beautiful spot we have created, where the sunset is something to be celebrated every night.

Feeling normal feels good.  Have a great weekend.


  1. Looks like you have found a new norm for quarantine life! And it looks beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous photos! That sounds like a LOT of freedom. We can't do much at all up here. The beach looks wonderful.

  3. Even though we are still mainly staying home, it sure felt nice to go out to a restaurant today. Your pool and view are just beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  4. I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I'd love to have a cocktail served to me by someone who is not my husband! You are so lucky to have a beautiful beach on your doorstep, it looks peaceful and just perfect. Our most local beach is one on the river, it is tiny. I might walk past it today and sit for a few minutes with a book. Unfortunately, we are still in full lockdown and a trip to the sea beach has to wait. Mind you, beaches in the West of Scotland are usually wild and windy, not a place to relax (but still beautiful).

  5. JEALOUS! The views make me drool:) I am happy that you are getting out and about. Feels good I am sure! My day will come. Our state has relieved us of some of the restrictions but my age keeps me home for the most part! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Your May sounds wonderful. I am actually going to Bealls today! With mask on of course. Stay safe.

  7. You sound content and happy -- and oh, those beautiful blooms and photos! I'm glad things are looking up for you.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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