Monday, March 30, 2020

How I Quarantine

I am a social person, but I am also a homebody.  After too much time out and about, I crave time alone at home.  I have always loved days during the week when a day comes up with nothing on the calendar.

But, this is different.  I am able to be happy at home, and don't really get bored, but I miss people.  I feel very far away from my daughters.  I feel sad about all the fun times my snowbird friends and I are missing, before they leave to head north (if they can leave).

 Thats why I am so thankful for the Zoom and Face Time interactions we had this past week.  FaceTime  happy hour with other couple friends.  FaceTime with my daughters, making us all feel a little more normal.  And the most fun, was a Zoom meeting with my Michigan Book Club.  I keep telling them they are never getting rid of me, even though I can’t attend.  But, I’m always there in spirit and through technology, there in the hardest of times when we all needed a connection.

So thankful also, to know you all are out there living this crazy quarantine life right beside me.  It makes our big world seem connected in a way I have never felt before.  Love and best wishes from Florida.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Let’s Cook Together

I don’t know about you, but it’s the on line interaction with family, friends and the world at large, that is keeping me positive.  Thank goodness for face time, zoom, blogs and all the social media sites, but especially Instagram stories.

I have really enjoyed all the recipe cook alongs people have been doing and it gave me an idea, since we are all cooking a lot more.  My blog is approaching its 9th year, so I have built quite an archive of recipes.  Starting today I’m going to dust a few of the oldies, but goodies off and repost one or two at a time, at least once a week.

To start, here is a perfect, comfort food meal that shines in the crock pot.  It’s a little different with the addition of tomatoes, but really, really flavorful.  First published October 4th, 2017.

Let’s virtually make it together and if you do, I would love to hear about it. Happy Thursday!

Slow Cooker Pot Roast Dinner

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thoughts and Questions

Doesn’t it seem like things changed in an instant?   A random virus none of us really worried about as it began to close things in Europe, suddenly changed life in our country, our states and our hometowns in a matter of days.  What I find the most unsettling, is that every morning here in Florida, I wake up, the sun is shining, my street looks exactly the same, yet everything is different.

After the initial panic buying, the stores are restocking, so I’m not worried about food.  The restaurants still have takeout too.  It’s the uncertainty and the unknown end to all of this that is the most frustrating and frankly, scary. How do we make any kind of plans, beyond the day to day?   I have a lovely home, with a pool and beautiful outdoor space, so I am luckier then many, but how long is staying in your house, without social interaction, a viable option to our mental health?

I do go out and walk my neighborhood, the beach and other walking paths around my city. My husband and I may take our bikes to ride a bike trail tomorrow. But, because I am diabetic, I am being extra careful to stay a distance from other people.  It's funny, but also not, the side eye everyone is giving each other in passing.  Will we get back to the point of natural interaction, including hugs and handshakes?

So many questions, so much unknown still.  As my late father in law used to say, “Keep the Faith”.

Sometimes that is all you can do.

Keep safe everybody!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Recipe Redo - Grasshopper Martini

Since it looks like we will all be staying in for St. Patrick’s Day, here is a fun martini recipe to celebrate the wearing (and drinking) of the green right at home.  This recipe for a  Grasshopper Martini was first published on this blog in 2015 and like I said then, will take you back to seeing your mother and friends enjoying a Grasshopper cocktail with their teased hair and seventies mini dresses.

It’s minty, it’s green and it’s delicious.

Enjoy and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I’m also making Cabbage Potato Soup in the Crockpot since we are not a fan of corned beef and cabbage. Provided my grocery store has cabbage and potatoes this morning - the new normal for a while I guess.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Boca Grande Bike Adventure

Because of some balance issues that I have dealt with for years, riding a bike didn’t seem like the best idea. But, when you live in Florida, there are just so many lovely spots and trails to ride on, I decided to get a bike and give it a try.  I’m not ready to bike on any main roads, but as long as I concentrate on what I’m doing, I do just fine on neighborhood streets or bike paths.

On Monday, we joined some friends for a perfect weather day of biking on Gasparilla Island and the charming Old Florida town of Boca Grande.  There are cars, but the primary mode of transportation is golf carts, so it’s relatively safe for bikers.  We headed towards the southern end of the island on a paved bike trail stopping at a light house, a quirky marina, a historic inn and ended at a beach front restaurant for lunch (blackened grouper tacos for me) and a libation.

Riding back to town was great exercise after lunch and we then put the bikes back on the cars and walked to a bar for one more drink before heading home.  There is so much more to explore on the island, that we are already planning our next trip back.  It’s only 45 minutes south of us, but the vibe makes it seem much farther away and it’s the perfect spot to get away from the spring break crowds.

Another Florida adventure in the books.

Happy Friday!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tis the Season

My title of this post may be confusing, except for those of us who live in southwest Florida.  Season means our population doubles this time of year with both snowbirds ( seasonal residents) and visitors to our beautiful area.  For many of us full time residents, that means a steady stream of company and I for one, couldn’t be happier.  I love seeing my Michigan friends and family and taking them to all the tropical places.

We started March with round two of visitors and we has so much fun.  We are lucky to be close to and enjoy the company of Megan’s in laws and have been telling them to come and visit for ages.  It finally worked out and we really enjoyed showing them our new life in Florida.  We took them to some of Megan and Adam’s favorite spots, got in a round of golf, a beach walk and even some pool time.

We are lucky to have this relationship with them and realize it is not the norm, but it sure makes life easier and more fun when we all get along.  From the minute we started spending time together when Megan and Adam got engaged, we knew we were going to be not just friends, but family.  Hopefully the next time they visit, Adam and Megan can join us to make it even more special.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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