Tuesday, October 23, 2018





My daughter Melissa was in Orlando for business and was able to drive to see us this past weekend, after her work trip was done. It was a quick visit, but we had beautiful weather and she loves to get her beach and pool time in, so that is what we did. We went to Siesta Key beach one day and spent another day at our pool. We had some fun dinners at restaurants on the water and she had her fill of sun and pina coladas, before heading back to the colder temps in Michigan. It's always hard to say goodbye, but this time it wasn't so bad, since she will be back in one month for Thanksgiving.



On Saturday, we were sad to see our Spartans lose to Michigan, but still had fun watching the game with some friends and fellow MSU fans here in Florida. Melissa came to the party with us (she is a Spartan alum too) and also enjoyed spending half time by their pool. There were a lot of rivalry shenanigans both before, during and after the game and I can't wait to see what next year's game brings. The photo is what I took to the watch party - pineapple salsa in my favorite MSU dish. Recipe coming soon, since it was delicious.



Yesterday, I went with some friends to see A Star Is Born and I loved it. I don't see a lot of movies, but this was one I really wanted to see. I have fond memories of the Barbara Striesand version and was really looking forward to seeing Lady Gaga in the role. I thought she was mesmerizing on the big screen and more than held her own with Bradley Cooper (also great). As a pop star, she does a lot of semi weird things in my opinion, but in this stripped down, vulnerable version of herself, she became interesting and believable to me. She is a very talented singer, but now a legitimate actress as well.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Oh you are living the good life, warm weather and beach time! I know you enjoyed your daughter's visit as I am sure she enjoyed it too. Have a blessed day dear friend, can't wait for that salsa recipe.

  2. Spot On review by you Vicki, of Lady Gaga/ Bradley Cooper in A Star Is Born.
    I truly felt she came “into her own.”
    I saw an artist, star . . . born.

    Wonderful your daughter could stop in for some mom/dad time,
    football, beach, pool, pina colada time!

    Right you are . . . COLD in Michigan!

  3. Fun, fun! I can’t imagine how fun it must be to live North and get to visit your parents at the beach!! I mean, that’s a built in vacation right there!! I’m beginning to soften on my original dislike for Lady Ga Ga, too.

  4. It is great that you got to spend time with your daughter! Every little bit is always good for the heart!! I've heard that Lady Gaga is amazing in that movie. Thanks for the review!

  5. I'm listening to the soundtrack right now, I thought it was an amazing movie and actually wasn't all that interested in seeing it until a friend suggested it. I still can't get it out of my head it was that good.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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