Thursday, May 24, 2018

Celebrating the Bride to Be

















Yes, there was a royal wedding this past weekend, but we had another wedding on our minds. It was Megan's bachelorette weekend in Traverse City and we had the best time. Megan definitely felt the love from all who were there.

Melissa, her sister and maid of honor, did a wonderful job planning the whole weekend, with fun touches like team bride hats and having the groom's photo on sticks for everyone to carry. The girls came from Chicago, Nashville and the Detroit area and I was happy to be invited and make the trip from Florida. They were a mix of college friends (University of Michigan), high school friends and elementary school friends. The mother of the groom and a few aunts were there as well.

Upon arrival on Friday, the moms and aunts did our own thing, while the girls hit the town in their team bride hats. We started the night at the beautiful rooftop bar at our hotel, walked a few blocks to town for dinner, also on a rooftop and ended the night back at the hotel rooftop for a nightcap.

After breakfast and a bit of shopping, we met the girls after their bridal brunch and proceeded on a bus to four beautiful wineries on The Old Mission Peninsula. It was so much fun and though it was chilly, the rain went away and we tasted some great wine. If you ever have the chance to go to Traverse City on a winery tour, definately go to Brys Estate Vineyard and Winery and drink the frose' (frozen rose) standing on the balcony overlooking the vineyards. Perfection.

That night, we had dinner in a private room at Red Ginger and the restaurant did a beautiful job with signage, flowers on the table and delicious food. After dinner, Megan opened presents and the girls convinced me to go to a bar with them for one last drink. I just love my daughters and all the girls in the bridal party. They are all beautiful girls - inside and out.

While the girls did a private yoga class, the moms and aunts had breakfast the next morning and my sister and I walked along the shore of Grand Traverse Bay, before our drive back to southeastern Michigan.

Like I said. So. Much Fun.

Happy Thursday!



  1. How fun! It sounds like a perfect weekend!

  2. What a fun time you all had! Beautiful young women and beautiful "older" women too! A wonderful time full of so many memories for everyone to hold close!

  3. Wonderful . . .
    It is all getting to seem REAL about now, I am sure . . .
    What fun, beautiful . . . younger, older . . .

  4. Sounds like a great time was had! We did a similar trip before my daughter’s wedding...stayed in a beautiful villa in Santa Barbara for a few days. We had a limo bus take us up into their wine country to several vineyards. I think it’s so nice when the moms/aunts are included!

  5. There is no place on earth as beautiful as Traverse City, so glad you had a wonderful time celebrating your daughter.

  6. Looks like a lot of fun and happy times. We only had one and we had fun planning and doing for hers. It was much more fun than I thought. She planned most of it with the help of Pinterest ideas, we funded it and gave opinions and said no to expensive photographers - but all the events were so much fun. It's a holiday weekend so I have time to visit around and always like to visit yours! Blessings to you and yours! Got you on my blog roll!

  7. SO much fun! I know you had the BEST time with the girlies! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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