Monday, March 5, 2018

Oscar Dresses 2018







Feeling very underwhelmed this morning by the majority of the Oscar dresses this year. It was definitely nice to see color after the all black social statement of the Golden Globes, but there just seems to be such a weight to the broadcast at this point, that I'm not sure it's something I want to watch anymore, even if it's just for the fashion.

The four dresses above were my favorites and all had a wow factor and required star presense to pull off each look. Too many of the ladies looked like the dress was wearing them and were not at all comfortable in their choice, but these four looked confident, beautiful and occasion worthy. I am always drawn to the dresses with a little sparkle and thought Jennifer Lawrence was perfection, including her loose blonde waves. Nicole Kidman always makes interesting choices and this one worked for me, including the oversized bow.

I started to write this by making a list of the things I enjoyed and could really only come up with one thing; the movie clips. It just felt like everyone, especially Jimmy Kimmel, were trying too hard and four hours of that is not much fun.

My favorite thing: having my daughter Megan here to watch with me rather than via text.

Happy Monday!



  1. I missed most of it because the power came on after 3 days so we were running around like crazy. I love Jennifer Garner's dress! Have a good week.

  2. I agree with your dress choices and also with your opinion on the general mood at the Oscars. I just wanted to tell everyone to lighten up. Movies and awards shows are supposed to be entertaining! Havea great week!

  3. I thought about you last night and wondered if you would have an Oscar dress post. I did not watch simply because I am tired of Hollywood ranting about politics. Out of the dresses that I did see on social media, Jennifer Garner's was my favorite. So glad you got to watch with your daughter this time!

  4. Yes, I loved nicole's and I liked margo robbie's simple, yet sophiticated.
    I'm right with you on just not feeling it anymore. The clips were fantastic and made me yearn for good ol' feeling good movies. I feel those are a thing
    of the past. Everyone is so busy trying to make a statement or movement that good story telling is non existent anymore.
    Am I showing my age??!!!!

  5. I haven't watched any of the awards shows in years. Not impressed by any of the celebrities.

  6. I'm totally loving the same four dresses. I could have written this!


  7. My two favorite looks were Jennifer Garner and that gorgeous sparkle-meets-flapper dress worn by Gal Gadot. Last year I was in Boston and got to watch with my daughter in person but, alas, this year it was via text. Glad that you had Megan by your side this year!

  8. Jennifer Garner had my best vote . . .
    Gorgeous blue . . .
    I liked Jennifer Lawerence’s dress as well, not her hair or heavy eye makeup though . . .
    I found this Academy Award Show one of the best I have seen for awhile . . .
    Loved the mix of things, people, music, thank you speeches, Jimmy Kimmel . . .
    I enjoyed less of the black dress social statement . . . and less comments of such.
    Happy you enjoyed your time with Megan . .

  9. I love Jennifer Garner and her dress was beautiful. I don't watch the show anymore, just look at the fashion later online. I completely agree with your thoughts on the broadcast.


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