Thursday, August 31, 2017

Friends That Show Up




I just got back from a quick trip to Michigan, mainly to visit my parents who are doing fine, but also going through some issues. My father (who has his own health challenges to worry about) is the primary caregiver for my mother, who is in the throes of quickly progressing Alzheimer's. It's not a situation that's particularly happy, but between my sister, brother and I, and some trusted caregivers, we keep things fairly stable.

After spending the day at my parents house, I met a group of friends for dinner, and it was just what I needed. It was a night with terrible weather. Nothing like Houston of course, but heavy rain, some flooded streets and way too cold for summer. But, they all showed up. I sent a group text, saying I would be in town, would be free for dinner on Monday night and the responses were so heartwarming. They were all so excited to see me and I felt the same. When I moved, of course we all said we would keep in touch, but life is busy for everyone and you never know. But, these ladies are special, our group has been through a lot together for many years and one thing we do is show up for each other in many ways. It's a connection that I will cherish, nurture and not let go of.



I also spent some great one on one time with Melissa and it always does a mother's heart good to see a child thriving. She is busy as can be, but that suits her personality. In college she juggled school, a bartending job, an internship and a demanding sport. Now, in addition to a busy career, she has started a job as a Barre Code instructor. I love seeing her living life to the fullest.

Happy Thursday and this weekend - Go Green! It's the first time in many years we won't be in East Lansing for the first football game, but will be cheering on our Spartans from Florida. Yay to the start of college football season :-)



  1. What a fun time with friends! Special time with your Parents and Melissa! Happy that you were able to go and visit with those you love! HUGS!

  2. I bet there are some Spartan fans where you are : )

  3. How wonderful that you have so many friends and they showed up like that! I understand the challenges you are going through. My mom has dementia and has been mentally deteriorating for 8 years or so. My sisters live near her and they take turns staying with her at the house. I hope you are enjoying Florida. I know you will be so sad to miss the snow during the winters here in Michigan (haha).


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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