Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Reading List



It's finally the first day of spring and I am really happy about that. We are in the final stretch of preparing for the movers to come, but I'm still finding time to read. That will never change, no matter how busy I am. My reading list is fairly full at the moment and many of my favorite authors will have new books coming out in either the spring or summer. The future looks bright with nice weather, as well as good books ahead.

First, some thrillers with twists ( a la Gone Girl ) that come highly recommended. I read the previous book by Claire MacIntosh, I Let You Go, and really liked it, so I'm looking forward to this one too.





This next group are by well loved authors of series that have some of my favorite female characters. I am happy to welcome back Kate Shugak, China Bayles, Ruth Galloway and V.I. Warshawski and see what they are up to in 2017. All these are interesting female characters that will take you from Alaska to Texas, and from England to Chicago and solve a few crimes along the way.





Happy Monday and Happy Reading!



  1. I've heard good things about Elly Griffiths, a lot of intrigue on your reading list. Looks like a mysterious spring for you.

  2. Just worked on my April Books post and I only have one of these on my list. These all look great!! Have a good week. I can't imagine you having a lot of time to read between the move and the wedding, Vicki!!

  3. Thank you for the book recommendations. I'll be adding some of these to my list! I have been enjoying the Goodreads website. Are you on it? Best of luck in your upcoming move!

  4. Thanks...I always add your suggestions to my "to be read" list. Right now I am reading In Farleigh Field - a good WWII book.

  5. Thanks for the book reviews!! I read at lunchtime and before I fall asleep. When I retire.....

  6. Thanks for the list:) Can't wait to hear all about the move! Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

  7. Thank you for the book selections. . .
    Amazing how busy my life can be yet I can still find moments to read.
    Reading is one of my "life leveling" agents.
    It must happen for you too Vicki . . .
    Happy reads, packing in between.

  8. Wait!!!! Have you already sold your house?? I musta missed that. I noticed when you mentioned s condo and wondered then. So all your hard work in redecorating must have done the trick!!!! R u moving soon? Perfect weather down here if so!!!
    Great reading list!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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