Monday, February 13, 2017

White Chicken Chili - Recipe Redo




We are on a roller coaster of weather this winter here in Michigan, with very little snow and temperatures even climbing into the fourties on some days. But, even without the snow, we still have experienced our usual cold days where a warming dish like chili is very welcome.

This recipe is one I have only made a few times, because I tend to forget about how quick and easy it is to put together. The flavor is delicious and the thing I love most about it is the light and fresh taste. The green onions sprinkled on top are the perfect garnish too.

The recipe calls for rotisserie chicken and that makes things easy, but I always poach my chicken breasts and that takes very little time as well. This is one you will want to try before winter is over. My original post and recipe can be found here.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

French Country Cottage

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

Have a Daily Cup

Between Naps on the Porch

Skip To My Lou

Craftberry Bush

21 Rosemary Lane


Rattlebridge Farm




  1. yum!! It's cold, I am hungry and this sounds awesome!!!

  2. We are having a cold and rainy NC day and can't wait to try this chili for dinner tonight! Happy Wednesday!

  3. I love white chili and it's a dish I don't think about making. I'll have to try your recipe. Hope you're doing well! Enjoy your weekend : )


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