Monday, October 10, 2016





Around the house

I am still working on my master bath update. There is one coat left to paint on my cabinets and then I will be able to move to the final steps - painting the walls and all the finishing touches to bring everything together. I have struggled to pick a neutral wall color that will be right with the cabinet color and the existing trim color, but I think I have finally decided. The progress has been slow, but that is ok. The end is now in sight.


Season two of Poldark on Sunday nights has been my favorite show of the fall season. It hasn't taken the place of Downton Abbey in my heart, but it's close. One of the stars of the show is the scenery and the Cornwall coast is simply breathtaking.

Downsizing update

My holiday decorations have been near and dear to my heart for many years, but since our move to Florida will mean much less storage space, many favorite things will have to go. This week, I plan on making a start with the fall decorations. One thing that makes things easier is picturing a light, bright new home in Florida where many of my decorations would simply look out of place. The same thing will happen with my Christmas decor in a few weeks.

Excited About

We have a few trips in the works - one to visit Megan in Pittsburgh and one to Florida to begin to look at homes. We think we know what we want in a home, but it's equally nerve wracking and exciting actually starting the process.


In my crockpot this morning and making wonderful fall scents throughout my house is a new recipe for Cranberry Apple Butter. It has lots of fall spices and if it tastes as good as it smells, it should be delicious. I'll post the recipe later in the week.

So, you can see there is a lot keeping me busy lately, along with trips to help out my parents, hence less blog posts each week. I have given myself a break on this and know that this is the season of my life now. I make time for what I enjoy, like reading and walking my dog and blogging will always be a part of that. Whether I write twice a week, or every day, I'll still be here sharing the both the exciting changes and everyday happenings in my life. I would miss you all too much to stop.

Happy Monday!



  1. Sorting out all your things is not easy - but it's worth it. Keep picturing your new sunny space, once you get there you won't miss most of the things you get rid of. Good luck!

  2. I've had to do the purging thing preparing for our move, too. You're right about different house, different style. It's been tough, though. Good luck on finding the right new home. We will be moving after our daughter's wedding Saturday...I'm not sure I'm ready for either!??? Let us know how the applesauce turns out. Enjoy your week!

  3. Those beautiful pink leaves look like flowers on the sidewalk. Absolutely stunning!

  4. Poldark is going on my must see list! Have a great week.

  5. We love Poldark too! So good, but not quite Downton. Our house is going on the market in Florida....thought I would throw that out! I'm excited for you. We have never regretted out move to the Sunshine State 27 (almost 28) years ago.

  6. I enjoy following along with you
    and in your transitioning into
    this new phase of your life . . .
    Happy travels . . .
    It seems like I am continually
    reducing my fall, Halloween, holiday stuff . . .
    (with a few new things that always seem to appear)

  7. Oh girl......I just returned from a week away with my girlfriends. Perfect Perfect weather, sunshine that made us smile all week long, white glorious beaches to walk will be SO happy to be with there!
    Met a couple who moved there from Minnesota. All I could say over and over to them was...believe me, your worst winter here will be so much better than the best one way up there!!!!

  8. I am in exactly the same position regarding blog posts. Now that my folks live up here I'm busy with them and have less time to write and read blog posts. But, like you, I sure don't want to give it up completely!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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